Saturday 22 September 2018

22 night in the woods - on the way to see bea before the party

Dear Readers,

I went out and headed towards the Ol' Pickaxe to see Bea.

I leaped up on the streetlights and fence. Didn't know I could do that :)

I chatted with Selmers again. I asked her what she was up to these days. She said she was crashing here until she could get her own place, that her parents rented half their house to Mr. Chazokov. She was babysitting, got interviewed at Ham Panther and was waiting to hear back. I told her my dad worked there now.

Up the hill were some people discussing what to do to save Possum Springs. They got into an argument about restoring a statue that another said was not of historical note. They calmed themselves down and moved on with their day. I guess they're part of the town committee or something.

The grumpy guy on the porch said he could legally shoot me for being up there. I said he'd never as I used to babysit his cat. He just grumbled then.

I went further in to town. A guy was up on the electricity pole fixing the streetlight that got torn off in the big storm a few days back and that it didn't help that idiots kept jumping on it. He told me to spread the word to the other kids and I said "adults". He laughed and said he didn't think so, that adults had jobs and better things to do. Hrm.... :( He then said it again and to be careful or else someone will get "killt". I can picture his accent perfectly. Well... if he was Irish that is.

I asked him if he knew when they were fixing the steps and joked about desperately needing to get there, away from the vampires. He said there was no vampires except the government and I was miffed he spoiled my vampire story. This last exchange with him was pretty funny :) It was all painful, but still pretty funny too.

I passed by Telezoft and the two workers I saw outside before were there again and had another colleague with them. The one who was very unhappy hadn't left after all; they got on "the board" but were still very unhappy. One of them suggested going to see Dr. Hank and they grumbled, saying he did "everything and nothing". The others were pretty happy with him, saying he fixed their leg and got their babies through chicken pox and strep. Then the unhappy one was like "whatever". Poor thing :( All miserable and can't do anything or really talk about it to someone who understands.

I didn't go see Bea straight away. I went to see Angus and Gregg first at their workplaces.

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