Wednesday 26 September 2018

26 night in the woods - molly's warning

Dear Readers,

When I got home, Aunt Molly was waiting for me outside our door. She said she was just stopping by to see if I was alright. I talked back, saying why wouldn't I be alright and she said something very ominous...

That stuff that happens here or by the tracks or up in the hills... that her job was to make sure people like me never see what I saw the other night.

I said "You're not doing a very good job of it" and she replied "Better than you might think." She said I didn't see Tom Jennings shoot his brother in the stomach last night on Doty Line Road past Arner. I was taken aback. She said "You're a kid, Mae. And you're naive. And in its own stupid way, that's beautiful. But the world isn't. And the world isn't out there somewhere. It's here." Wow. That's a heavy line and... so true too.

I talked back some more, asking her if she was gonna arrest me or something. I had a party to go to. She told me to watch myself because she'd hate to see something happen to me. She wished me good night and walked away.

I doodled her in my notebook a couple of times, with her police hat and stern expression. Then I wrote "THOUGHT: AUNT MALLCOP IS PLANNING TO KILL ME" along with some random doodles of the letters "ACAB" as if I was trying to figure things out or make sense of something.

Poor Mae... Even after that terrifying talk she still only kinda gets it! Molly's dialogue here is just amazing though. Great writing work done here.

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