Saturday 8 September 2018

8 night in the woods - possum springs walking part 2 - noticeboard, old buildings, telesales workers, dr hank's, lori m, soldier statue, party barn

Dear Readers,

I continued exploring Possum Springs. The road slope became gentler and I started coming across businesses.

I looked at the noticeboard. There was a ball of yarn here and I noted how that was just patronising. I grabbed it and dropped it. I was fascinated with the way it was bouncing around! That's my cat side coming through I guess :) I was also able to move two posters, one about the Harfest and Casey Hartley's missing person poster. There was a big touristy meme-ish poster here that said "POSSUM SPRINGS MORE LIKE AWESOME SPRINGS!". Behind all this were ads for selling firewood, Tim's Landscaping, Katie Washington's babysitting service (I assume), scrapbooking odyssey and some others I can't really make out. These were like business cards and printouts... looking like something you'd find locally :)

I went up the steps to the church, but they had a blockade preventing me from going up there further. I wondered what kind of weather I missed. I doodled a traffic cone in my notebook with the words "THOUGHT: THIS PLACE IS FALLING APART" and placed it above the drawing of the houses I doodled earlier.

I walked on and passed a couple of buildings, one of which had "FAT POCKET PAWN" on the front window. Between here and another building was a gap with a tree. There was a cute fat raccoon walking through this gap. Reminds me of a tweet I saw to a picture of a cute fat raccoon that said "gimme da gorbage".

The next building had "TELEZOFT" on the front windows. It was a telesales company from the sounds of the two workers outside having their coffee break. One was dying to quit their job and go to Ham Panther because they found it so unpleasant. Their co-worker was trying to encourage them to stick with it. Telesales jobs are so common nowadays... at least on job websites. They're always temporary and moving from building to building as well. This company looks like it's occupying another commemorative statue bearing building. In real life I've applied to places like this but never got in. I've heard stories just like this one though, how it drives people crazy and the pressure of sales targets. The characters had coffee and cigarette icons as speech then so I moved on.

The next building was Dr Hank's! From the options screen! After that was the Ol' Pickaxe. It offered repairs, satellite install, a harvest sale and it was open. I couldn't go in yet though. This building had "Market House" engraved above the shop and had some faded sign above that too that said "KBEMMAN'S", whatever that was. Must be some business relic of the past. Dunno. In real life I do see that kind of thing in cities.

Beyond here was a park with another big commemorative statue and some stone seats. Lori M was here and she greeted me with "Hey Killer." I told her not to call me that and asked how she knew about it. When I first watched Let's Plays of this game, stuff like this got me on the edge of my seat with curiosity! I know now, but I wanna see even more now that I'm playing it for myself :) So I said to her "Yeah well, that was a long time ago." She asked why I did it and I said I didn't know. She asked if he had it coming and I said no. She said the moms told their class not to talk to me in case I did it again. I said to say hi to her lovely-sounding mom and she said that she was gone. I apologised. Poor girl... Her speech bubble became a RIP gravestone.

I doodled a big industrial-looking building with powerlines under the row of houses I doodled along with the words "BIG SKELETON". It was of the big factory in the background.

I checked out the big stone statue of the soldier-looking guy. I looked for the name of my ancestor on the plaque and I found it. "Anselm Borowski" was there. I found the name tragic. I muttered something about war monuments that we had in Possum Springs. Lots of them around.

The next building was the Party Barn. It was closed and for sale.

As I sit here typing all this stuff as I play, the same NPC passers by pass by! The old guy in the buggy passes back and forth a lot! That pregnant lady is getting lots of exercise too. Very healthy.

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