Friday 14 September 2018

14 night in the woods - pop up problem on laptop

Dear Readers,

The next morning I realised it had been 36 hours since I was last online. "This shall not stand" I declared and fired up my laptop to something really bad...

The desktop was screwed up really bad! It was covered with loud spam pop up ads playing all at once! One had someone winking and said something about singles. It was covered with one gaudy flashing one that said "BURLY SINGLES IN YOUR ZIP CODE CLICK HERE TOUGH ANGRY SINGLES". Yikes. Another one to the right said "HOT CHAT LIVE RIGHT NOW CLASSY HOT CHAT LIVE RIGHT NOW WE ARE NOT JOKING!!!" and it was all obnoxious and flashy. Double yikes. The sounds playing all together sounded like arcade buzzing, Mario jumping and a girl giggling.

Wow... This is so true to real life. I remember the days when pop ups were that obnoxious. Nowadays pop ups are all like "WE ASSUME YOU CONSENT" and "YOU MUST CONSENT TO COOKIES" and they take up the screen and everything.

I decided to ask Angus for help with this problem as he was all computery. I didn't want him to see what was on my screen though! I left the laptop at home and decided to find his workplace.

But first I played "Die Anywhere Else" on my guitar. I did about as well as I did at the band practice last night with the result of "Not bad considering I don't know how to play this song!". That complicated cluster of notes just after all the consecutive single notes always throws me off! There were some nice starry, flowery doodles as I was playing... actually I'm not sure as I wasn't looking at them. I'll have to watch this on YouTube or something and then talk about my impressions of this song and its lyrics too.

I left my room and looked at the bird again. I said I never liked it.

Then I went downstairs and mom called me to come say hi to her in the kitchen. I sat up on the counter again and said "Morning mom" and she said she was mom 24 hours a day and that it was 4pm. I said I was gonna find Angus and ask him for help with fixing my laptop. She asked if he was the guy who was Gregg's boyfriend and I said yeah, and asked if she knew him. She then asked if I knew him and I said "Mom we are in a band together. Sorta". I said I didn't think we were ever gonna play out. She said I didn't seem thrilled but I was kinda enjoying it. I guess it's an iffy time in my life. I know how that feels! That whole "in-between" thing.

I talked with her again and she told me Aunt Molly called. I grunted and wondered what "Aunt Mall Cop" wanted. She asked me to please not call her that, that she worked really hard to get where she was and that it was a dangerous job. I kinda scoffed, her beat being Possum Springs and all. Then the arm came up in conversation. Mom said "I know this is home but please be careful out there", telling me to come home before dark and stuff, at least until the police could figure out what happened.

I talked with her again and she asked me about the arm in a whisper. We joked about it, figuring the person who lost it would be easy to spot. I guess I inherited her dark sense of humour :) it was a nice cosy conversation though!

24 hour mom, 7 days a week... I once said how she was likely to say "Pokémon GO to the polls". Ahh Mom humour :)

I left the house to go see if I could find Angus at work.

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