Tuesday 11 September 2018

11 night in the woods - band practice! reunion with angus and bea

Dear Readers,

Reunited with Gregg, I went with him to band practice, where I reunited with Angus and Bea!

Gregg screamed with excitement again. Angus was happy to see me too but he's more the quiet type. He was up on stage with the microphone and speakers. On the wall behind us was "BIRTHDAY ZONE" in faded letters. I chatted with him about the Party Barn, which was now closed. Is this place the Party Barn? Gregg had my old bass guitar.

Then Bea arrived. We greeted one another... coolly it seemed. She was here for practice too, playing drums. I told her it wasn't drums, that it was computer. She did my bass parts as well on her computer, or as she called them, "the" bass parts. Yeah... this was a frosty exchange... though since Bea's like a Goth, it's also her personality.

Gregg's excitement melted this cool atmosphere, saying that we're totally gonna play a song and that I totally have to play bass. I tried to tell him I didn't remember how to play but before I knew it, we were all in this Guitar Hero mini-game thing, playing "Die Anywhere Else". The iconic song :)

I might talk about this song a bit more later. I concentrated on the buttons rather than the lyrics and I made a few mistakes, but I got through okay! Gregg said "Pretty good", Bea said "Yeah, that was okay" and I said "Not bad considering I don't know this song!".

I found it quite difficult to do and my wrist was hurting. Angus said I'll get back into it and Gregg said "That was great, man", though he is so sweet, he'd say that no matter what because he was just so happy I was back home :)

We finished up and went to the diner. Gregg yelled with excitement, I yelled with excitement, Angus said "yay" and Bea said "hip hip". We cool :)

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