Tuesday 18 September 2018

18 night in the woods - angus' magic computer fix

Dear Readers,

I walked right in to Gregg and Angus' apartment as the door was open. The music here was a nice friendly, homely theme with a gentle beat. Angus welcomed me in. He was a little startled, saying he could've been in his underwear. I said "don't wear pants on my account!" haha :)

They had a nice cosy apartment with living room, kitchen, and bedroom.

Angus thought I was looking for Gregg, but I said I was looking for him. I wanted help with my laptop. He asked me step by step what was wrong and I told him about the pop ups, saying they were "You know. Things. About things. Not for kids things." and that I forgot to bring it. He said I didn't have to be embarrassed about stuff like that as everybody... and I cut him off saying "I know."

That was a cute exchange :) true to life as well.

He went into their bedroom and gave me something I could just plug into any USB and restart the computer. I thanked him and hoped his magic was gonna work. He said it wasn't magic, just ones and zeroes and we're just atoms with chemical reactions... getting a bit existential there! I said bye to him and left for home.

When I got home I doodled him in my notebook. A big doodle of him adjusting his glasses with a couple of stars and "ANGUS" written in big letters around him.

I greeted dad with a "Hey Dadders" when I got home. He called me the "Mayor of Possum Springs herself" :) I told him I hung out with Angus today. He said he likes Angus as he was smart and that he used to work with Angus' dad in the old days. When they all got laid off, their family fell on hard times and his dad went to the bar then. Dad hasn't really seen him since he stopped drinking and wondered how he was.

Dad then asked me about the arm we found. No new info but he told me to be safe out there. I suggested I carry some weapons and he said it would be a shame if I was caught "unarmed". It didn't dawn on me as a joke until he paused after it :) "Un-armed??? Eh??" he says. Had a good laugh. We said goodnight then. Dads :)

I went upstairs to my room and immediately got to trying out the Angus Fix on my computer... crickets chirping outside. Miraculously it was fixed in no time! Not having been online in so long, I got right on there! Online thru the night!

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