Saturday 29 September 2018

29 night in the woods - bea drives me home from the party

Dear Readers,

Bea drove me home from the party. She warned me not to puke in the car.

I said "I really am quite embarrassed." or at least tried to say it. I also tried to say "I remember when we hung out as kids..." I used to call her BeeBee and she used to call me MayDay. I was all sentimental and tried to bring up our childhood memories but she was dismissive of them.

I tried to say "Why are you so mean to me?" and I mentioned her mother. She said her mother died of cancer in senior year and asked how could I forget that. I tried to say "I'm mortified by my behaviour. I am sorry."

Bea really let me have it then. She asked what happened to me, saying I used to be smart, I used to be cool, I used to be worth talking to and why did I even come back. She said she would've killed for a chance at college and here I was, just dropping out like that. She said she would kick me out of the moving car right there and then if it meant she got a chance at college.

Then I started crying. We arrived at my house and she was eager to kick me out, but when she saw me in such a state, she decided to help me in.

She tucked me into bed. I told her I was sorry, that I was a mess. She said it was alright, that I was just a kid. I said that I was older than her by two months and she said that she stayed and got older, while I went off and stayed the same. Then I started snoring. She sighed and said "G'night Mayday." before leaving.

Up until now Bea was being horrible to me, but then she showed her true, kinder side. This is where we really begin to understand her now.

Then I had the weirdest fever dream...

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