Sunday 23 September 2018

23 night in the woods - asking angus about dvd rentals

Dear Readers,

Before going to see Bea, I visited Angus and Gregg at their workplaces first.

I went into Video Outpost "Too" to see Angus. I thanked him again for fixing my laptop. The music playing in the store was was the same tune as when I went to see him in their apartment! But a different version, like a radio in a shop version.

Then I asked him "Who rents movies anymore?". He said more people than I'd think such as older people and kids. I asked if he ever wanted to tell them about the internet and rental by mail. When I heard him say "rental by mail?" I thought I had this game pinned to a specific year over the past ten years but I did a Google search and found that Netflix is still doing the DVD by mail thing in 2018! That's pretty interesting! Anyway, he told me it wasn't his job to save them, just to stand there and assist when needed with no open judging.

I brought up the party. I said I didn't peg him as a party person and he said he wasn't, but it was different with Gregg as it was like standing in the corner and that Gregg was his corner. I was like "Awww" :) that is really sweet.

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