Wednesday 12 September 2018

12 night in the woods - pizza at the clik clak diner

Dear Readers,

After band practice we all went to the diner to order some pizza. Slices were up for grabs!

The BGM at this diner was ambient. Just a few sparse bumps of food utensils on tables, clinking of glasses and other everyday bumps could be heard. It was fairly quiet here.

It showed the pizza on the table and everyone was grabbing a slice. I decided to grab one of Gregg's crusts. He joked how I picked up a fancy pizza crust eating habit at school! Angus and Bea weren't impressed with the pizza at all. Gregg brought up something about the "pizza scale". I replied "The what?" and he went on to explain this pizza scale. How there's just one type at the bottom that's bad and everything else is really good. I didn't really question him, just saying "pizza good". On the second lot of pizza grabs, I grabbed his crust again. I played this part before and was wondering if I could get Angus a piece, because he misses in the second round of slice grabbing! Poor guy. He still didn't get a second slice.

Bea said it was no Pastabilities and I said I missed Pastabilities. I just like saying that word :)

Gregg asked if I was just all about the crusts now. Ah well! I just wanted Angus to get a second piece... I said we should've gone to Pastabilities. They joked how I was too fancy for the diner now and the others said they appreciated the ambience, charm and comfy seats here. I liked it too of course, having practically been raised here.

The scene shifted away from pizza. The diner indeed had ambience and charm. Some portraits up on the walls, of people and even stuff like cutlery and a banknote. The lighting was nice in here, but the sunset helped a lot with this too. Gregg was snuggling up with Angus.

I asked when we were gonna play out. Bea snorted and said that they didn't do that, that they had jobs now; Gregg at the Snack Falcon, Angus at Video Outpost "Too" and Bea at the 'Ol Pickaxe. I asked Bea "I thought you were going to school?". She laughed a little and said "Life happens". Gregg then started banging on the table randomly, declaring himself to be "Lord Of The Snack Falcons!"

I asked where Casey was. Everyone fell silent and some sombre piano music played. I had no idea but they knew for a while. "Casey's Gone" Gregg said. I asked how and Gregg said he bet he hopped a train. I knew that Casey always talked about doing that and now he was just gone. Didn't contact anyone either, not even e-mail. His parents put up missing person posters like the one I saw earlier. I didn't know what to say.

Bea then asked what exactly it was that I did. When I responded that I was in college she asked why exactly I wasn't still there, with narrowed eyes. I said "Didn't work out." and she said "huh, imagine that" in a nonchalant way.

There was a pause before Angus said he and Gregg better head home. They had a date with sword people online or something. We wrapped things up and left the diner.

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