Monday 17 September 2018

17 night in the woods - the intercom at gregg and angus' apartment building

Dear Readers,

I went to Gregg and Angus' apartment building, the one with the number 1063 in front of it. Had to find Angus for computer help!

Inside was a quiet corridor with a door to the stairwell and an elevator. There was a machine hum and the faint sound of passing cars outside. I had a look at the panel. The music that played here was all jazzy and detective-like! The panel had several labels and buttons. "Gregg & Angus" was the most legible one, but it didn't have any button so I couldn't use it. I tried pressing the other buttons to get it to work. I got through to their neighbours on the intercom...

I pressed the button next to the torn label. It made a spark come out of Gregg & Angus' button hole. The person in this apartment wanted to know what I was selling.

I pressed the button next to the badly faded print label. All I could see was "---ARDOLI---". The person here liked to draw out their words. They even called me "Mabelynne". I was like "This isn't Angus" and they were like "Would you like it to be?" and I was like nope! Yikes!

I pressed the button next to the label with the illegible italicised chicken scrawl. They were looking for Maurice but I was looking for Angus, so that was a quick call.

I pressed the button next to the blank smudged label. The person here sounded all mystical and religious, thinking I was looking for a metaphorical Angus and asked if I encountered the lord above this day. I told them my mom works in the church so I was in the club by default. That seemed to satisfy them enough.

I pressed the button next to the non-italicised chicken scrawl, which was literally a bunch of jumbled loop-the-loops. This person at least knew where Angus was and directed me towards the broken button. Not much good... They said they think "the little guy he lives with kicked it in". I asked "How?" and they said "beats me kid I just live here".

These little messages were so funny! Perfectly captures that frustrating experience of trying to get in touch with someone for help, like on a tech support line or something, except these were people. In real life I remember one summer yelling under my friend's student apartment to open the door before security came along.

Every other button made the spark. What I did in the end was press one of them, then press into the hole while it was sparking. This gave me a big cartoony electric shock where you could see the bones in my arm and fingers!

Finally I got through to Angus. I knew it was him because of the colour of his speech text. I love this idea actually :) Love the way Mae and her friends all have different colour text when they speak. I told him it was me and I got electrocuted. He said it was "fiddly" and that I could use a screwdriver and "it's a bit late now". I adore the over and back exchanges :) the dialogue is so well written and sounds so natural! Again, very funny too :)

The elevator came down and I went up to Angus in their apartment.

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