Thursday 13 September 2018

13 night in the woods - the severed arm

Dear Readers,

My friends and I left the Clik Clak Diner. Just when I was saying how great it felt to be back and Gregg saying we could hang out everyday, our good humour was dampened when we noticed a dismembered arm on the ground. We decided to do the right thing and... poke it with a stick.

I called first. The view switched to the arm. There was a bug crawling around it and tense piano music playing which made it all uncanny. I poked it around a while and slid up the sleeve a bit. Then Aunt Molly came along and stopped us, telling me to put the stick down and step away from the arm. I didn't reveal the diamond shape that was on it when I played before, so I'm not sure if that affects anything. Molly said "No promises" when I said not to taser me or anything. The cops! :P

She insisted on us having a buddy system for our way home as something bad was going on. Gregg and Angus had one another so Bea offered to drive me home.

It was a quiet drive. I brought up the Ol' Pickaxe and asked Bea if her parents were training her to take over the family business. She stopped the car and told me to get out, even though my house wasn't for another few blocks. Yikes...

I had several doodles made in my notebook when I got in home. One was of me playing my bass guitar with musical notes around and the words "DIE ANYWHERE ELSE" written around me. Then there was a highly detailed version of "GREGGORY'S PIZZA SCALE". Very little of it was described as "TOO FANCY" or "AVOID" as most of it was described as "GOOD AS HELL". I made another little doodle of Gregg here with "GREGG RULZ OK". After that I doodled the dismembered arm we found along with the bug and some descriptions: ARM! OBSERVATIONS - CHOPPED SEVERED - ARMY JACKET - ON SIDEWALK.

At home, dad greeted me with "Hey Kitten" and I answered "*rowr*". He apologised for forgetting to pick me up last night and I said "It's ok". I told him how I got home through the ravine by the old mill and almost died from falling logs. He promised never to leave me stranded again. I suggested we pretend I actually did come home tonight after they picked me up. I thanked him for picking me up and he said "Welcome home, Mae". That's nice :) I updated his doodle with the words "STILL FUNNY THOUGH".

I spoke to him again and told him all about finding the severed arm and Aunt Molly showing up and everything. He was shocked and found it really weird. He asked me not to poke dead body parts with a stick and that he'll have to e-mail Molly later. After this I went to bed.

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