Tuesday 25 September 2018

25 night in the woods - asking bea for a ride to the party

Dear Readers,

For the first time I went in to the Ol' Pickaxe to see Bea to ask her for a ride to the party. She was already dealing with an employee named Bill.

She told him to write the extra time taken by the lady customer as being on the clock. She insisted as it was the lady's fault. Then he left.

I said "Hey, Bea!" and she was up to her eyeballs in work and stress. She had to get stuff ready for winter and was saying she was gonna have to bribe to get help for unloading rock salt. She asked what I wanted and I asked her would she give us all a ride to the party tonight. She sarcastically thanked me for clarifying which of the many parties it was. I narrowed my eyes and she said she'll drive us but I had to be ready when they got to my house at 8:30 or they'll go without me. A few more smart remarks and telling me to hurry and that was it.

I doodled a picture of her in my notepad with her cigarette looking unimpressed along with a turtle and an ankh along with writing "BEA", then "Beatrice Santello" in joined up writing and also "MAEBEA". I drew her opposite the page with the big Gregg doodle.

The Ol' Pickaxe was a hardware store of some kind. Looks like a keycutter's as well. The music here I guess is Bea's theme. It's a nice non-gothy tune with a ring to it. In here I could jump up on the counter and everything. She didn't seem to mind too much.

I left. There was no one else left to talk to and I had already spoken to Angus and Gregg today, so I just headed home.

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