Saturday 15 September 2018

15 night in the woods - running into mr. penderson

Dear Readers,

When I left the house to go see Angus I heard a "Hey! You kid!". It was Mr. Penderson, noticing I had come back.

He rubbed it in that I didn't last long in college and asked if I got a job yet. I said "I've only been back for like 24 hours." He said after that it'll be a week, then a month, then my whole life. I sassed him back and he said no one's forgotten about who I was and what I did. He said they may seem like they have but that it was just "small town polite", saying "small town polite's all you got kid, so watch it". I said I gotta go listen to my cells die. We said bye with a "Pah!" to each other. So yeah, plot thickens, curiosity thickens... This guy keeping it real and the whole "small town polite" thing does give me food for thought.

I had a more enjoyable chat with Selmers. She asked what it was like being back. I was just home so I was just taking it all in. She asked if I felt like anything's changed and I said "Yeah totally." talking about the places that are gone and places that opened up and about the Harleys growing up bigger. Selmers said she babysits them sometimes. I asked what they were like because they seemed nice. She said they fool ya with that and that they actually steal things. Yikes!

The guy who was all possessive about his porch said again that it was his property. I said it was my street and he said I didn't change a bit since I was a kid. Another guy walking by had droopy red eyes. Yikes...

I climbed up to the rooftops. There was laundry on the line here now. I called them ghosts and doodled them in my notebook, being all ghostly floaty clothes with a crescent moon and wrote "WoOoOo!" next to them. I doodled these next to that little webcomic thing I did of Bea's stalker statue. Speaking of which, I was wondering if that's the tip of his ear or nose. Then I looked at his statue again and yeah, it's his nose. :P

I went down to ground and walked past TELEZOFT. There was only one worker standing outside today. I wonder if the other one actually quit like they said they wanted to?

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