Thursday 6 September 2018

6 night in the woods - home again with mom and dad and space dragon

Dear Readers,

The police drove me home. I walked right in to my dad who was sitting on the couch and said "Hey! Remember me?". This gave him a good scare. I was pretty mad at him and mom for not picking me up...

They thought it was the night after I was coming home. I told him Aunt "Mall Cop" Molly arrested me when I was walking and took me home. I gave him a bit more stick before announcing I was going to bed. He said it was good to hear my voice again. Ahh Dads :)

I sketched a picture of dad in my notebook. No pupils in his eyes, just covered with glasses. I wrote "DAD" and "LOOKS OLDER?" next to it. It's a thing we all worry about...

I wandered around the house a bit before going to my room. I observed the grandfather clock which is from the "old country" and how Dad says the wooden bird that pops out and scares him half to death was granddad getting even with him from beyond the grave. Through the door next to it was the crawlspace. It was jammed with boxes. I'll ask dad to move them later.

By the way, I can cycle quickly through messages by holding B and pressing Y to advance. This is the weirdest way I've ever had to read messages in a game before. I may get used to it though.

I went upstairs to bed in my old room and went to sleep before doing anything else.

The next morning I decided to play some bass on my guitar in the corner! I played "Space Dragon", the only song available right now. I played this bit before. I only made one or two mistakes this time! I was playing with the Joy-Cons in the grip and the buttons are a bit small but I had a good handle on them. Afterwards I said "Um... that was pretty much perfect". Scott Benson said that Mae being bad at bass is canon so there's no harm at all in messing up! It's just a nice extra thing :) I like the doodles and the cool flapping dragon flying by while I was playing.

Afterwards I doodled, or at least attempted to doodle the Space Dragon. I tried drawing one with a space helmet on, bird-like ones with teeth and one with a goofy overbite before scribbling it out and just writing "HOW THE HELL DO YOU DRAW A SPACE DRAGON". I put some stars in there too... Saturn... and a doodle of myself holding a sword, probably to go fight whatever can be drawn. This was pretty funny :)

The background music has humming. I guess that's my mom in the kitchen :)

I got lots of stuff on my bedroom wall. There's a dragon(Space Dragon?) poster, one with "SACRED YOUTH", some postcard sized things and a poster of "WITCHDAGGER", showing a picture of someone wearing a magical hat with a dagger put through it. My bedroom is kinda cramped and close to the attic, probably even part of it.

I went downstairs and spent a bit more time looking at the wall with pictures of my family, saying we were a bunch of cuties :) Some nice pictures of us here. I guess that's me graduating from high school, mom being pregnant with me, granddad possibly and another of what could be dad taking me fishing? Not sure. Really lovely though. I looked at the bird and wondered how it was still alive. I then had a look at the shelf of books of old scary stories that granddad gave me. Mom liked books about crimes and sad children. In real life the "sad children" genre is ridiculously popular over here! I saw some of Dad's books out here about birdwatching. I guess that's a typical thing too but hey, birdwatching is cool :)

The music here is a lovely piano composition with other swirly sounding music whose instrument I can't place. My own mother in real life thought this was a nice and relaxing tune :)

I went downstairs and my mom called out to me to say hi to her in the kitchen. I went in to her. She was reading a book at the table. I hopped up on the counter and chatted with her. She welcomed me home and said sorry for mixing up the day I was coming back. "Thanks for not changing the locks!" was a pretty good quip from me :P I forgave them of course though. Mom then asked me if everything was ok. I said "What do you mean?". She wanted to know if something happened at college that made me leave and come home as it wasn't something a sophomore just does. I asked if we could talk about it another time and she said "sure honey". I was grateful. She said she bet my old friends would be happy to see me. I asked where Gregg was and she said he was at the Snack Falcon. I said "We have a Snack Falcon now?" and mom told me about some changes, including the Food Donkey closing. I was surprised by the new changes and mom told me there was a whole new world out there with lots to explore and I could go out and see what's changed!

She sounded like the text on the back of a game cartridge's box :) By the way I wish this game was on cartridge. It's the only Nintendo Switch game I have right now that's eShop only.

She said there was loads of construction going on and to be careful. This was a mainstay of autumn in Possum Springs. Of course, this just means places I can't explore yet :)

Afterwards I drew a doodle of mom on the opposite page where I drew the doodle of dad. It was just a picture of her with "MOM" written underneath. With the background music it really gives the feeling that you're home and you're with your family :) it's just lovely and sentimental. I love this game.

I asked her for a bit more news. She said Mrs. Crangler died. She lived to a good age. 115 in fact. A very good age.

I chatted with her again and she told me about the book she was reading called "Wellboy", a boy abandoned by his parents in a well where he was raised by eels. She was like "Eels, honey. Eels" and we were like "Eels" back and forth to each other. I updated my doodle of her with eels by the side with "eels" written in. This was pretty amusing :)

I went out to explore Possum Springs for myself. "Part 1 Home Again" showed up on screen before opening up to a lively scene outside my house with cars, squirrels, kids playing cops and robbers and neighbours all around. Time to explore! Ah man... the music too... I'll continue next time.

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