Sunday 30 September 2018

30 night in the woods - dreaming of the pointing statue

Dear Readers,

I had an intense fever dream. I was in a dark place in the woods, holding a baseball bat, with no light around except my own glow and the glow from my nightmare eyes. The music was ominous, creepy, nostalgic and tense.

I came out of the woods to some streetlights, parked cars and a big neon sign that said "DURKILLESBURG". I started swinging my bat around and smashed everything up. Not sure why, I just did. I wonder if Mae knew why she was smashing stuff up herself? I smashed up the streetlights, smashed the car windows, punctured the tyres, smashed up the big neon sign, making the lights blink and ring like wind chimes.

When I run with the bat my eyes narrow with this serious expression on my face. It's weird from the perspective of the player. I have the freedom to break stuff but wonder why my character is doing it in the story and the music is all tense and everything. This is a very interesting way to tell the story. I don't know why I'm doing this, Mae may or may not know why she is doing this and it just makes the mystery of the plot thicken and it's just such a bizarre and amazing thing you can only do in video games! I really don't know what you can compare this to.

I ran up the hills, smashing more streetlights and knocking over bins, scaring crows away. I started to see lights of houses in the background. I ran right up to the top of the hill, showing the full moon and this pointing statue, all artsy and lit up. It was evident I had a real problem with this statue because I was here to smash it to bits.

I swung at its pointing finger but that didn't do anything. Then I tried to kneecap its front knee with lots of metal clanging but that didn't do anything either. Then I swung at its back leg a number of times, which made its pointing finger arm break and hang down. I got up and swung at its front kneecap again, which made its back arm on its hip break and fall off. I didn't stop. I got up again and swung at the kneecap some more. The statue's body started collapsing and hunching over. I got up again and kept swinging. Its body now fell off its legs completely. I got up again. Now that I could reach its head I swung at it and knocked it off its shoulders. Then the dream faded away. As the statue's head fell off it looked like a cloud of blood emerged from it.

Wow... I really was desperate to smash up that statue. I fell a few times but got right back up and finished it off.

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