Friday 7 September 2018

7 night in the woods - possum springs exploring part 1, meeting selmers, mr. chazokov, grumpy porch dude, the harleys, mr. twigmeyer and danny

Dear Readers,

I went outside and took a walk around Possum Springs, exploring it for the first time.

Mr. Twigmeyer was raking some leaves. I greeted him and he asked if it was me. I said "Sure is!". He asked if there wasn't college anymore and I said "Not for me at least." He said he always thought I'd go on to do great things or something about assroots.

The road construction workers were here to ring in the autumn like they usually do. I jumped up the tree and up on the powerlines. I stood up on the pole in front of my house and remembered being able to see into Tom Bramwell's bedroom. I didn't say anything else but there was a little icon of a butt.

I walked left along the powerlines. I like the little plucky sound that plays when I take steps along them. I also like the music here a lot. Some of the tune sounds like it's coming from an old gramophone or something. From the looks of the hazy background it looks like it's the early evening. Goes well with the music :) it has a nice sentimental feeling. Mae's a late riser like myself.

I walked onto the next screen and doodled some houses from my street into my notebook. I hopped onto a windowsill of the red building with the statue of Arnold Applebaum. He owned the old mining company and dad said he was a crook that hated the unions. However this library was set up, though it was later turned into apartments. I read the plaque that glorified him and it was erected in 1910. So Bea lived in these apartments and I muttered that this statue was like Arnold Stalkerbaum :P Then I doodled a little comic in my notebook with three panels. It was of Arnold Stalkerbaum looking into Bea's window and saying "HELLO BEA" in the first panel, "DID U GET MY TEXTS" in the second panel and just him continuing to statue silently outside her window in the third panel. You know, at first I thought this was Mae making fun of herself! Now that I've written this down do I realise it's the statue that's saying this in the comic and Mae was just being witty. The powerlines continued going higher until I was able to reach the rooftops on this screen. I jumped around on them, jumping to another roof that I couldn't reach before. I didn't find anything else other than squirrels and birds and nuts and leaves but it was fun!

I went down to the ground and chatted with Selmers, who was sitting on a stoop in front of another house. She asked what I was doing home. I said I dropped out and wasn't going back. She didn't have much to say except "wow" and "weird". I asked how she was. She said she was okay, that she and Dennis split. He got a job at the new prison over in Briddle and met some girl at a petrol station. I said he was a jerk. She asked what kind of weapon they make in prison and I said "A Shiv?" and she said she hoped Dennis gets shivved at work, just to scare him good and right in the kidney.

Next door up the hill was a dude that didn't like me being on his porch.  Also, there was Mr. Chazokov, an old teacher of mine. He greeted me in a jolly way, calling me his "best worst student!". I loved the constellations but hated school. He said not to knock school as it was vital for my future. I wonder if Mae does go back to school after this game by the way? I wonder what she'll go on to do... Mr. Chazokov stopped in his tracks when I said I dropped out of school and said I could come look at constellations with him on the roof next door later in the week. I was happy to! His speech was all starry when I talked to him again.

I stood outside the front door of Bea's apartment building. I remembered when her family had a house and not a tiny depressing apartment. Poor Bea...

Further along I met the three Harley kids playing detective. They were arresting "Little Joe" and I was amazed that they knew who that was. They brought up DNA. I asked "Do you kids know what DNA is?" and they ended up telling me "Hey Lady, will you go away?" and I was like "Lady?!". I wonder... are all their names "Harley"?

The next building further along had Danny standing outside the door, drinking coffee from a portable cup. He was further on in school than I was back in the day. I asked how he was and he said he lost his job... that not even construction was hiring. I asked what he was gonna do and he said he was open to suggestions. I said "Don't give up!". He said he might get someone's job if they die. I asked if he was gonna kill anyone and he replied "Does it pay?", like some kind of hitman work or something. I told him I didn't have a job either and that I dropped out of college. He apologised for talking my ear off about jobs and then kind of... stayed on the subject when I told him about being an adult that lived with her parents, saying "daytime hobby" instead of job. I said I was gonna go and said bye to him. Poor guy must be demented from this.

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