Sunday 9 September 2018

9 night in the woods - possum springs flooded tunnel

Dear Readers,

I continued to the next part of town which had mewing cats (not me) and Video Outpost "Too" among other things.

I tried to wrap my head around the legacy and spelling of Video Outpost "Too". The building after that had Pastabilities, a very well-named place :) and the Social Security Administration, a very important thing to have. The building after that had 1063 in front of it. By the way, I like jumping on the dustbins :)

Above the entrance to the underground tunnel were two guys standing in front of Miller's, probably a pub. They talked about it being almost 5, quittin' time and going off to drink and watch the "Smelters". Probably some local sports team.

Then it was the Snack Falcon, then some old run-down looking building all boarded up(which is a common sight everywhere nowadays in real life :( ). Beyond here was the Clik Clak Diner. Food Donkey was beyond here but I couldn't go there yet.

Before going to see Gregg, I went down the tunnel entrance. Down here was a massive mural depicting mine workers. More false advertising. I chatted with the teens, who were hanging out down here. They didn't have much to say. I told them how I used hang out here when I was in high school and made sure to say it wasn't that long ago. They asked how old I was. I said 20. They lost all interest when they found out I didn't have a car and wasn't old enough to buy beer. Bah! Teens wanting to do grown up stuff! I'm not sure if Mae was interested in alcohol or driving but I never was in real life. As for exchanges like this with the next generation... it does feel weird in real life! It's shown quite well and true to life here.

I observed the tunnel flood/stream and the tunnel fish swimming around. It wasn't always this way but people still come down here.

There was a fast food place down here. Maybe it was something else before the tunnel got flooded judging by the flickering "Trolleyside News" sign. In real life there have been many different fast food places in my hometown too. No tunnel like this though.

Also, this place sells pretzels and pierogi. In real life, pretzels aren't as popular here as they are in America and I've never seen pierogi before besides the frozen food sections of Polish shops. Maybe I should buy some and try them out sometime.

I said hi to the cook there and they remembered me. Looks like I stole something from there years ago and it forever sealed my reputation. "Once a thief, always a thief". Reminds me of Link's Awakening... I said "I'm not a thief! You take that back!". They told me to go jump in the river... Ah well. No pierogis for me...

The music down here was nice and even more mellow than the music above. The guitar riffs were echoey like there really was a little busking band down here. Or you know when a venue has music but it's very quiet and has few people so they're just there for atmosphere.

I went back up to the Snack Falcon to see Gregg.

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