Sunday 16 September 2018

16 night in the woods - looking for angus, browsing the snack falcon and video outpost "too"

Dear Readers,

I continued looking for Angus. I went in to his workplace at Video Outpost "Too", but he wasn't there. It was just a girl who asked if she could help me and I said I didn't think so... I had a bit of trouble finding Angus last time I played this. I checked out the store though.

The video titles they had on show were "Death Chill 3", "Be Nice", "Brain Eaters", "Dinosaur...(uh something I couldn't make it out), "Death Chill", "Beaver Priest", "(something) Squad (something) Rivals", what I think might be "Lost and Found", "Crime Waves", "Swamp Husband". Interesting titles there! The fact that they have Death Chill 1 and 3 but not the second is kinda typical. Often happens to me when shopping for a series to get into! That Lost and Found movie with the halo and broken heart reminds me of the last few days of renting DVDs in my real life hometown, one of them being the movie "Saved!". Our library still has DVDs at least. Swamp Husband then just looks like a weird cool thing to rent and watch with that ominous castle and full moon there.

I left the store and continued along. The two guys in front of Miller's were still raving about the Smelters, making a rah rah rhyme.

I went in to see Gregg at the Snack Falcon. He had cups on his ears. He was all like "Hey Mae. Got cups on my ears." I asked him "Why?" and he said he was thinking how they had beaches in Bright Harbor and then about the ocean and then about listening to the ocean waves so he put cups on his ears. I asked him where I could find Angus and he said he was at work. He asked why and I said I had computer problems. Gregg said he's a hacker, being pretty sure he hacks. Then he said again how happy he was that I was back :) Love Gregg.

I spoke to him again and we talked about the arm, just how crazy it was that it was just there on the footpath in Possum Springs and it was two doors from their apartment. It was only now I learned they had moved into "towny centry".

I asked him if he was up for hanging out later as we had so much to catch up on. He said he couldn't as he had dinner with the family. I asked if it was good or bad and he paused before saying it was a friendly thing. He was just waiting for 6 o'clock now.

I was now able to see more of the store beyond him now. A big poster of Fiasco Fox with the caption "Generation Fiasco™". There were also some cereal boxes! "Snake-Ums!" with a picture of a really happy snake with cereal everywhere and "Fruits Ghost" with a happy ghostie and some fruit shaped cereal. Not sure what "Snookel" is supposed to be. Also it's only now I noticed the "WE CARD U" on the cash register. Nice detail :)

I still wasn't able to go to their apartment so I went back to Video Outpost "Too" and asked the girl where Angus was. The exchange was pretty fun, with us ending all our sentences like we're asking a question, like they do in California or something :P So anyway, Angus works dayshift and she works the nightshift. She's with her baby during the day and her mom takes care of her kid then when she works here. I was like "Ew, babies." She thought her job was pretty cool at least, that she was able to watch movies, eat candy and meet cute guys. I was like "Ew, cute guys.", saying they were overrated when she asked what was wrong with them. Her speech bubble then turned to one of a heart with a crack and a bouncy musical note. She seemed happy out with where she was at least :)

I left the store. Before going to see Angus I went down into the tunnel again. The teens weren't here anymore but there was a guy fishing and an old lady sitting down at one of the tables. The guy fishing was reciting poetry. I told him it was good and he got all self-conscious! Oops! haha! :) I chatted with the lady who remembered me but I didn't remember her. She said she was Miss Rosa and she knew my granddad. She visited us when I was born. She said to come chat to her to learn more about granddad, about stuff I mightn't know. I said I would and she called me a "sweet, curious child". What a nice lady :) I'll be sure to chat with her again! Now, off to find Angus!

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