Wednesday 3 October 2018

33 night in the woods - selmers, fellow journal keeper and poet

Dear Readers,

Bad party or good, it was a new day with new possibilities! I set out from home with the intention of going to see Gregg.

There was new music outside in Possum Springs too, which felt like a new chapter with new hope, or at least something that'll let me move on from the bad night in the woods I just had. It sounded gentle enough to not upset a hangover anyway.

Almost immediately I disobeyed mom and went up on the powerlines. I stood on the pole outside our house and reflected on the big flood that happened here. It knocked over the pole and I was afraid of the water being electrified for weeks.

For 2 weeks the pole was lying down flat in our yard. When they put it back up I was now able to see it outside my window and thought it was kinda spooky. Just there, watching me from the curb.

Selmers greeted me. She asked about the journal I was carrying around for doodles. Dr. Hank asked her to carry one around too so we were both on that order from the doctor! I asked if she had anger issues too and she said she had been stealing painkillers from the Ham Panther pharmacy. Yikes... I asked her if the journal was working and she said nope, but that rehab and the programme she was on was helping her. She also said she was becoming a good poet! She offered to recite her work and I said "Yeah".

Her poem went like this: "My heart is; a dankness; but when I see you; I feel a thankness; when I feel; a blueness; all I need; is a youness" I liked it a lot! I told her it was really nice and romantic and yeah it really is a lovely little rhyme. She said it was about her horse, with whom she's just friends.

I doodled Selmers in my journal with some shine lines and stars and wrote "TA-DA! IT'S SELMERS! A POET!"

Selmers said Mr. Chazokov was up on the roof again and was worried he was going to break his neck. The porch guy next door said he wouldn't hesitate to take legal action if Mr. Chazokov fell through one of his windows. I said if that did happen, he was gonna have to decide which piece of him he was gonna sue and he replied whichever piece was biggest. Mr. Chazokov yelled from the roof that he could hear us. The porch guy was still unwelcoming, saying he didn't remember inviting me up there.

I climbed up to see Mr Chazokov!

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