Sunday 14 October 2018

44 night in the woods - gregg's future plans

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I stood next to the big heavy rabbit head we carried up to his apartment. We were shattered. He said he was gonna look up how to fix it and that Angus wouldn't be back for the night. We went to the Clik Clak for food!

At the Clik Clak we had our usual over-and-back where we said it was "too bad this horrible thing didn't happen to you". The anti-blessings got more gruesome and detailed and we ended with a "Good times!" laugh. I could still smell glue though.

Gregg told me to think about pierogis instead of glue. He asked if they had them at school and I said it was only this one church that sold them during whatever holiday came up. "Feast of the Perpetual Pierogi" Gregg imagined it was called. In real life I'd still love to try pierogis... though I have eaten Chinese beef dumplings before. Maybe it's the same idea.

I told Gregg to open his mouth. What followed was a mini-game where I would try to toss pierogis into his mouth instead of splattering his face with the hot food. There was a little arc aiming thing like a game of Artillery and Gregg was moving his head back and forth. I got his face a couple of times but generally I fed him plenty of pierogis! He said he loved the red ones. Onion was it? Afterwards he said "A majority of those made it into my mouth so I'm happy." so yay! :) the music played here was a simple happy little boopy tune with a nice groovy bass line.

He said he might be sick. I joked how true friendship was letting your friend make you sick. "True bros" he said to me and "True bros" I said back to him. I love when we have exchanges like this :) I told him this was the first time we really got to hang out like this. He asked "howzit feel" and I said "Real Good." and he said "Same, dude."

We really got to chat this time. I asked how he was and said it was weird to see him with a regular job that he like, goes to. He said he was working on the plan and I said "The Plan?". He said himself and Angus were gonna move to Bright Harbor and I said "Since when?". They were planning on it for a year and that was why they were both working 7 days a week now. I asked when they were moving and he said he thinks it's in the upcoming spring, which was just a few months away. I didn't sound too pleased and in real life I didn't like the idea of them moving either :(

I asked him "Why Bright Harbour?" and he gushed about it, saying they visited during summer and found record stores and weird bars and found everyone to be cool and "like... free?". He said he got a tattoo there and showed me in his word balloon. It looked like a sheep doing some kind of buckaroo kick. I asked him why a sheep and he paused before just saying the guy was all the way hot and that it didn't hurt a bit.

I repeated that he was moving to Bright Harbour, like my mind was still wrapping around it. He asked me how long did I think I was staying in town. Yikes. That's another doozy of a thing to think about. I don't want this to happen... I really don't :( Out of the two options for answers to give him I said "Um. I don't know." as the other one was about moving. He said he'd help me pick out a place.

Then he said it was really great hanging out with me tonight as he was being really boring lately. He hadn't done a crime in a long time. I asked him why and he said it was Angus and the plan. It wouldn't happen if he got caught or fired. I said he was all adult now... and he said he was bonafide.

I told him I was gonna go. He said it was a good call, as we both needed to de-glue. I said I think we stunk up the diner and he replied that it wouldn't be the first time. We looked fondly at each other. I told him I missed him and he told me he missed me too... aw!

When I got back home I had doodled again. I doodled the big rabbit head with shine lines and "CRIMES" written above it. Underneath I doodled Steve Scriggins saying "UUUGH" and wrote "@#*%ING SCRIGGINS" next to him. Underneath him I doodled myself tossing a pierogi at Gregg and wrote "GREGG RULZ OK" again :)

I don't want Gregg and Angus to go... I don't want things to change like this... Argh :(

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