Tuesday 30 October 2018

60 night in the woods - selmers and fruit snacks

Dear Readers,

Some nice jack o'lanterns in Selmers' part of town as well. She asked me what was good and I had some choices off the top of my head...

I said "Not bleeding on your seat in junior high?". Wow that must be a rough memory for any lady that has it happen to them. Selmers said something else, those fruit snack thingies we used to eat in grade school. She asked if that other thing happened to me and I said nope! I hope it didn't happen to Mae at least!

Selmers asked if I wanted to hear her new poem and I said "Sure!" and she recited:

"Sometimes; I like fruit snacks; Out by; The train tracks; A juice box; And headphones; I enter; The juice zone.". Zowee. I told her I wanted all those things right now and said the specific brands of those things :)

Selmers also said Mr. Chazokov was up on the roof again and that someday he's gonna fall right down on her stoop. She also said she can see the watertower from her back window and that she saw a fire up there the other night. She wondered who was up there. Hmm... Bruce? I dunno... Maybe he'd know as he's nearer to it.

Grumpy porch guy said I was gonna make his dog anxious and that she poops a lot when she's anxious.

Someone in pink was standing outside... I think it's the Harley's house? They had nothing to say.

I climbed up to Mr Chazokov for another go at finding dusk stars!

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