Thursday 11 October 2018

41 night in the woods - weird autumn at band practice

Dear Readers,

I know that there different paths in this game to take and I want to start with Gregg! I went to see him at work.

"Well look who it is!" he said to me.
"Yep. Alive for another day" I replied. This is 100% me in real life right now.

He asked how I was feeling and I said I was bad but I had been across town and felt that it helped somehow. It was the delicious fresh air around here. He asked me what was up and I said "We gonna head out to band practice?"

The scene immediately shifted to band practice. Everyone was here, but now Germ was here too. He said he crashed his bike once and that a spoke went through his leg. Yikes. He then said it was kinda cool. Yikes Yikes.

Bea just had a musical note in her speech balloon. Angus said Gregg was in charge of getting us started so I went to him. He then said that he had to go soon and do family stuff just for a night. Bea was like "..." I don't know anything about their family lives really. I may learn more soon.

Everyone was raring to go and I was unsure again as I didn't know this song and was still rough at playing bass. Gregg said I'll be fine but I disagreed with him. Angus asked if I had zero self confidence and I said no, I just didn't know the song and called them stupid jerks! Then we played.

The song was called Weird Autumn. I needed to be agile enough with going between the four small buttons on the Joy-Cons! I made a couple of mistakes. The result I got was Gregg saying "Pretty good!", Bea saying "Yeah, that was okay." and me saying "Not bad considering I don't know this song!" so I got on well enough!

I doodled myself playing bass, opposite the page where I doodled myself playing "DIE ANYWHERE ELSE" and I was facing the other direction. Above my head I wrote "WEIRD AUTUMN".

Germ said it was good practice. I said "was it?" and he was like "eh". He was ok with it :) Angus said it was pretty loud. I asked if that was good and he said loud was fine.

I made the mistake of chatting to Bea before Gregg so I had to reload the save and play the song over again! Gah! I got on similarly well at least.

So I chatted with Gregg. Angus was gonna be doing family stuff but he wasn't exactly free either. He was up to crimes! I was like "Ooo! Crimes!" He asked if I was up for some and I said "Definitely!" We both let out a long howl like the wild creatures we are!

The next section of the game came up, titled "Crimes".

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