Wednesday 31 October 2018

61 night in the woods - simone the fighter and sterling the seer

Dear Readers,

I headed up on the roof to Mr. Chazokov for the second time to have a look at more dusk stars.

I said "Definitely!" when he prompted me with a string of affirmations, the most important of which was to hunt for more dusk stars!

Once again I hurt my eyes because I forgot the filter. OOPS!

I circled around and found Simone The Fighter. Mr Chazokov told me all about her. She had a gun with a knife attached. She lived in a good land but it was choked by oppression. I said "That was poetic, Mr. Chazokov" and he thanked me, and said he was just reading the summary off his phone. Heh. We don't have signal but we have wi-fi!

Hmm... okay. I think this game actually does take place in this decade. I was thinking all this time that maybe it took place in late 2000s.

So in Simone's time there was a curfew. She plotted and planned with others and freed prisoners. She got identified and had wanted posters but escaped capture. Neighbours prayed that she would be their salvation. "Was she?" I asked and he simply said that no one knew where she was buried. I was bummed out by this. He said she stormed the palace gates and there were cannons behind them. Soon, there were so many bones at the mass grave that it was said her bones were mixed in with others. I said that got dark. And sad. And spooky. He laughed and said "That is history!"

I whirled around the telescope some more and found another one, identified as Sterling The Seer. A guy hunched over some kind of ball. I asked how come I never heard of these guys before and Mr. Chazokov said that by the time these stars were found, the well known myths and legends were taken. I said "These are all gonna be bummers, huh?" and he said that it wasn't for him to say. This story was that the King met a new sage who told him that the stars behaved in a different way to what Sterling said they were, which led to the king kicking Sterling out. "Did Sterling believe his own story?" I asked and Mr. Chazokov said he believed he did. He said something about someone being kicked out and uncared for because they're obsolete and I said "No." that it wasn't fair. He said "what is to be done?" and I said "I don't know." before asking if maybe the king could've given him a different job or maybe he could survive without being of use to the king? Mr Chazokov said "It's one to ponder!" before laughing, saying that the stars make one think!

They really do... this one especially because it applies today with people losing their jobs due to redundancy. This is a scary thing but... man it shouldn't be scary...

I told Mr. Chazokov that was great and he said to come back again in a couple of days for more dusk star hunting! I will :)

I doodled Sterling and Simone in my journal along with their names and a couple of stars. They look slightly happier than they do through the telescope.

I asked Mr. Chazokov if he was an astrologer. He corrected me with "astronomer" and said he was an amateur. I told him he knew a lot for someone who isn't paid to know about it and he said "That is one of the saddest sentences I've ever heard."

I guess it is pretty sad... though I don't know exactly what he meant by that and I said "sorry?". He still invited me to come back and have my head crammed with more stars! Looking forward to it :)

I wonder if he would've been a professional astronomer of some kind if he could instead of teaching? Maybe he has broken dreams like so many people?

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