Friday 26 October 2018

56 night in the woods - chatting with buddies online about being alive

Dear Readers,

Before going to bed, I went online to chat with my buddies. Even Angus was online this time!

Bea asked me if I was awake. I said sure am! And asked what she was up to. She was watching a true crime show on TV. I asked her if it was any good and she said no, that the reenactments were terrible, but if they were good she'd feel bad about them. I told her I loved those shows. She thought they were the best too.

In real life... I don't have any interest in those shows...

I chatted with Gregg and he asked me if I was still electric. I checked and it was all clear. He called me Dr. Science for my good work and experimentation. I asked him if Angus liked the robot. He said he thinks so, but Angus was just kind of looking at it. He said he'd check and came back with Angus thanking me, so we assumed he did. We said goodnight then.

Angus then asked me if I was alright. He was afraid I was really hurt and I left so quickly. I told him I was good and he said he just wanted to make sure. I thought it was sweet of him and he said not to almost die anymore tonight. I told him no promises, starting to sound like Aunt Molly. We said goodnight then.

I clicked on Sharkle. I had no idea that clicking on him made a difference during events in the game... or does it? I'm not sure. I then went to bed and dreamed up another crazy dream!

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