Wednesday 17 October 2018

47 night in the woods - chatting with mom about sinkholes

Dear Readers,

After waking from the crazy dream I went online again. Bea and Gregg left messages.

Poor Gregg was even more sore than he was yesterday. He said he was at work and Angus was out of town so he was lonely. Bea said she was at work too if I wanted to drop by and say hi. I'd like to drop by and say hi to her alright but I wanna do the Gregg path! Sometime Bea, sometime...

I clicked the purple turnip of bad news. Some science article said that jobs cannot be soul crushing because there is no proof that souls exist. Bleh and double bleh! I had to click on Sharkle again to put me in a better mood.

I left my room. I asked the bird what was it even thinking about inside that cage. Dad hadn't moved the boxes in the crawlspace yet.

I went downstairs to mom for a chat. She greeted me good morning and asked if I felt it last night. I said "What?" She said there was a big sinkhole 2 streets over. Maybe that had something to do with my dream... I was surprised we still got sinkholes and she said they never go away, especially since we were on swampy ground and a flood plain. She said she didn't want me going over there and I told her I had no interest, since they were just holes in the ground. I had seen one before. I told her to get back to me when one of them swallows a house or something. She said we'll go together to see it if that happens.

She asked me what I did last night. I told her I hung out with Gregg at the... grocery store. She said it sounded exciting and asked if we got anything special. I didn't say what but we sure did! She then said to drop by the church if I was in the area and I said I would.

I chatted with her again and she said that now I've been home a few days, did I think about getting a j... and before she finished her sentence I interrupted her and said I gotta go! She was like "heh! heh!"

We joke but... what is my future now that I'm home and there's no more college? Big big question...

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