Monday 1 October 2018

31 night in the woods - post party regret

Dear Readers,

After my very bad night in the woods at the party and my crazy vivid dream, I woke with lots of regret.

This was the beginning of "Part 2: Weird Autumn". Funny how I've managed to line this up for posting this entry on today, the 1st of October :)

I got up feeling awful, thinking I probably looked awful too. I wanted to burn down my bedroom with me in it and live my days out as a ghost.

In my notebook I doodled myself with vomit dripping from my mouth and a dizzy spiral above my head. I drew some stars around as well. I wrote "BLAH BLAH DUMB SH!T" as speech coming from my mouth. Above my head I wrote "THOUGHT: NEVER DRINK AGAIN OR GO IN PUBLIC" and on the opposite page I wrote "EVERYTHING FEELS BAD".

On the previous page I also doodled myself as a burnt skeleton with fire around. I wrote "Thought: Become A Fire GHOST AND YELL AT PEOPLE".

I had a new option for a song to play, my own "Go Get Dead, Angel Face". I chose it and Mae was like No way! It was too embarrassing.

I looked in the mirror and confirmed that I looked like utter hell.

I went online and got away messages from Bea and Gregg. Bea apologised for last night and said she was at the Pickaxe all day if I wanted to stop by. Aw :) she's softened up a bit. Gregg said he was at the Snack Falcon all day and to drop by if I wasn't dead. He heard I was ok from Bea. He also mentioned band practice later. After all that pain and regret, I'm glad I've got great buds :)

I clicked the purple turnip of bad news. It was an economist saying how job growth was robust in low wage sectors. Bleh... I had to click Sharkle for a cute goofy laugh.

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