Friday 5 October 2018

35 night in the woods - the start of miss rosa's stories about granddad

Dear Readers,

I went down into the tunnel again. I couldn't believe they kept this place open. I wondered if it was because it was of historical note or if the old people liked the pierogi stand. I concluded it was the amazing ability of old people to get state funding.

I listened in on the guy tunnel fishing again. He was coming up with another poem about the local coal miners of old, on how they had coal in their lung and that a big flood gave this tunnel a home for the fish. He tried to rhyme "storm" with "home" but came up with "horm" instead. I was like "horm?" and he told me to please stop listening. I doodled a tiny drawing of a fish with a hat and briefcase saying "HONEY I'M HORM". That was pretty funny :)

Miss Rosa was here at her seat like she said she would be. A nice chance to learn more about granddad :) she asked if I was sure I wanted to know and I said "Ha ha yes, I do want to know". She said I had a history of troublemakers in my family, on my dad's side in particular. Wow... She mentioned the times when the miners were up against armies, which was before her time even. She said that she and granddad weren't around for much of it, just to watch the tide roll out. Then she paused. I asked her to go on and she said it was for another time since she gets tired. Wow! Cliffhanger! I thought I had to speak to her again but no, she was just pausing because she was tired. I asked if I could get her anything but also said I didn't have any money. She said no and I said goodbye for now until we meet again. So I'm gonna get bits and pieces the more I see her? I can't wait to find out more about granddad and my family! And what was that about troublemakers? Intriguing! I said bye to her for now.

I continued through the tunnel and stopped to look at the broken down... tram is it? Just sitting there in the water. I found it amazing to think these things used to run and that it was also amazing that they were still down here at all.

Further through the tunnel was a crowd of people, along with Aunt Molly. It looked like the same people who were arguing over statues. One of them was named Cathleen and wanted to put an old folks home down here because they came down here a lot. The others were right in saying it was crazy. I couldn't imagine putting Miss Rosa in a hole like this to just live all the time. Anyway, they were complaining about the graffiti that someone put on the mural here. They called the culprit a terrorist and they wanted them to hang. Molly for the most part was trying to listen to and humour them. It takes a lot of patience I guess... Another of them was named Coleen. Irish names! They were very upset over the ruined mural, being of such historical note and all. Eventually crowd and cop parted ways as the complaint was made.

I looked at the mural. It was covered with black paint. Looked like someone used a roller. Maybe they were playing real-life Splatoon, though that game isn't really about painting walls except for climbing. I was shocked, saying someone "hecked up the dudes!" The message started with "NUKE POSS" and continued with messy black lines until the other end of the mural which ended with "SP".

I doodled a "THOUGHT:" with a picture of a nuclear mushroom cloud blast with "NUKE POSSUM SPRINGS" inside it. It looked pretty dramatic. It also looked really funny above the picture of the "honey I'm horm" fish!

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