Sunday 28 October 2018

58 night in the woods - friends are busy at work... but they're still friends :)

Dear Readers,

After the third unsettling dream in a row it was morning. I went straight back online to messages from Bea and Gregg.

Bea said she was at work all day if I wanted to say hello and she was there to be hello-ed at. Someday, Bea! I really want to hang out with her now but I'm dedicated to Gregg's path on this playthrough!

Gregg's message was an update on the robot. It smelled a little weird. Also, he was at work all day and was super bored. He said it sucked and it was more like "Crap Falcon" than Snack Falcon.

I gotta say... when my friends said they had jobs it felt like they were moving on without me but... they get bored with their jobs and still want to hang out with me and want me to visit them for a chat and a hello! I like that :) It might be worth remembering something like that for friends in real life too!

I clicked on the purple turnip of bad news. It wasn't news this time. At least... it didn't seem like news. It seemed like "sponsored content". It was all about an app that allows you to rent out your bathroom as a public toilet... Ew :( that sounds absolutely horrifying. It suggested that as a solution to the burden of having a mortgage. The fact that it tried to sell it as a solution at all was awful! It had to be an "app" too of course. Bleh :(

Once again, I had to click Sharkle for a nice goofy laugh. Sharkle helped me come back to life from electrocution but he also keeps me going every day! Love Sharkle :)

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