Thursday 25 October 2018

55 night in the woods - chatting with dad about work

Dear Readers,

It was nice to be home. It was a hard day of being electrocuted and I needed rest. I chatted with dad first though.

I asked him how was work. He said it was better than the glass factory. I asked him if it really was and he said he mined, he's worked machines but now he gets to slice food, which is easier on the back at least.

I asked him if he actually liked it and he said he liked havin' a paycheque. I said it was fair and he said they were the sweetest of meats.

He asked me what I did tonight and I just said "stuff", but I was also tired and felt like I did a day's work. He said there were places I could get paid for work these days... at work! There was some over and back here between us but it kept coming back to work. Yup... point made indeed...

I asked him about the boxes in the crawlspace, if he had moved them yet. He said he was thinking about it and asked if I would watch some TV with him. I said "Yeah for a little bit." and joined him. Once again it was time for Garbo and Malloy!

They started with something political, specifically about the law against pirating movies. One of them said you could get 10 years for doing it and the other was amazed, saying they were trying to get in the hard way! :)

The next one ended with the catchphrase "That's a whoppah!" and I didn't stick around for stupid sandwiches. The screen went all static. I don't know why dad stays up while the screen does that. I headed off to bed anyway.

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