Tuesday 23 October 2018

53 night in the woods - more crimes with gregg

Dear Readers,

I went in to Gregg at the Snack Falcon to see him and to get in out of the rain.

We greeted one another. He said he was thinking about going to jail. I asked "Like you're afraid of going?" because I didn't know whether he meant this or if he was actually planning to go. He said he'd probably have to join a prison gang, but he didn't want to join a prison gang. He said he talked to Angus about them and Angus said they were "notoriously problematic". I asked where Angus was and he said he was away doing family stuff, stuff not worth talking about. He asked if I wanted to hang out and I said "Yeah man! Let's roll.".

The title "mechanics" came up onscreen.

We were in the hallway of their apartment building. The music changed to this crazy groovy upbeat tune! Gregg was wearing a hat with a spike on top and an "A" sticker on the side. He was talking to me about a bullet going clean through someone and I asked how it didn't kill him. He said it must've missed the important parts of his brain. He was talking about his great-great granddad. I asked about the helmet he was wearing, didn't it belong to the fascists? He corrected me, saying I got the wrong war and the wrong country even! He told me to read some history.

I asked when he learned all this stuff and he said it was when people kept saying his hat was a fascist hat! I asked what we were doing and he said we were continuing our crime spree. We went out to a beautiful sunset evening. The rain cleared up and here I was with him and a bat. He said the weather moves for us. :) From the looks of the lights I'm guessing we were in the car park of the Food Donkey? I'll see soon enough.

Gregg introduced me to a car and told me to eff it up, Private Borowski! I asked him "Why?" and he said  "Do you need a reason?". I said no but I'd like one. His idea was to get the battery out of this car. I asked what it was for and he said it was "privileged info, Private". I told him to stop calling me "Private", that "I'm a general at least". He then said he was the general since he had a hat. I said war was stupid and he said to watch it, as war got him his hat! We agreed no one wanted this car as there was a big tree growing through it. I said "So we're just beating it until the hood pops open?". Then we both chanted about smashing things. "Smash Capitalism!" "Smash The Government!" "Smash this car!"

I got to work on the car, smashing it up with the bat while he goaded me on. After a while he praised me for excellent work and asked if I wanted to do the honours. I asked if I was gonna get electrocuted and he said it's probably not electric anymore as it had a tree growing through it. I said I would do it.

The scene then switched to the battery. I had to clear leaves off with my hand and pull one of the two wires... but which one? There was one on the left with a big red circle around it and one with a black circle around it to the right. I chose the one on the right and got electrocuted right away! Yikes!

The scene shifted to a pink heavenly sky with Sharkle being all goofy with his laugh. The music changed to angels singing. I greeted him and asked what he was doing here. He said "You've always been a good friend, Mae." which I had to choose. He then said I would always visit him and click him just to say hello! That's true I did that :) but would he say something different if I didn't? I asked him if I was dead and he said "Yes". I asked if he was taking me to the other side and he said yes, that my soul was being weighed up against my transgressions. I asked how I got on with that and he said "Tonight you shall join your ancestors in the stars.". I must admit, it was tempting to choose the other option! That said "Uh... could have gone better". I said that was nice and asked about all my ancestors, even ones going back to dinosaur times. Soon afterwards he started laughing and wouldn't stop laughing.

Then I woke up. To Gregg. Laughing. I was coming to and he asked if I was ok. I said "I think I died" and asked how long I was out, to which he replied "5 seconds?". Time felt like it stretched. The scene ended with me saying I could taste pennies. Yeesh!

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