Saturday 20 October 2018

50 night in the woods - seeking shelter and sanctuary from the rain

Dear Readers,

I went to see mom at church. No rain in there! I also chatted with Pastor Kate in the sanctuary.

I asked her were the sanctuary was. She said I passed it on the way in. We went on to talk about locked doors and how all doors are locked sometimes except for cowboy saloon doors. Then she did an impression that sounded more like a southern gentleman. She said he was classing the place up! :) Moms! :)

I walked back to the sanctuary doors and went in! This area was lovely with pews, stained glass windows and Pastor K! I said hi to her.

Pastor K said my mom will be happy to know I'm here and I said don't I know it. She asked if I wasn't a churchgoer and I said "I was when I was a kid." She said I had to go at that age. I then said I liked Sunday school, how they'd give me cookies and orange drink. We both wondered why we called it "orange drink". She asked me when did I stop coming and I said it was when my mom stopped making me, about age 15 or so. She asked why and I said I dunno, all the standing and sitting, being told to sing this and feel this feeling or that feeling. She said the feelings were more suggestions and I said it didn't feel like it. AAah good one :)

She said she hoped I would come maybe some Sunday and I was kinda favourable to the idea as I hadn't seen her preach. She said "preach" had a bad ring to it and I said "talk" instead which sounded more okay to her.

I asked her about Bruce and she said they're praying and gears are turning, albeit slowly, but god can turn any gear they want and she takes comfort in that. I said I hoped it turned out ok and she thanked me.

She then said if I ever wanted to talk or ask questions that I could always talk to her. She said it was kinda in her job description, but it was still really nice of her to say :)

Tapestries on the wall said "LOVE", "PEACE" and "JOY" and there was a heavenly light here, even though there was no sunshine outside. It is a really nice place!

I went back outside where it was still very grey and rainy. I wanted to go back in to hang out with mom and Pastor Kate, but I also wanted to see how Bruce was doing.

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