Thursday 18 October 2018

48 night in the woods - a rainy misty day in possum springs

Dear Readers,

I went outside to a very rainy Possum Springs. It was a very grey day and the music changed to suit the grey mood.

I chatted with Selmers, who sounded like she had the tone of a teacher for some kind of joke. I asked her if she joined a cult because of how weird she was speaking. She said she was a dealer of the Sylvam family of products. I told her I didn't have any money and she stopped then. Sounds like she got caught up in some pyramid scheme thing :( I asked her "Are you giving that pitch to everyone?". She said it was a horrible thing she saw in a video seminar of a lady doing that. I asked her if the lady sold anything and she said stuff about people smiling and looking at hand lotions. Bleh... we moved on to poetry! Selmers asked if I wanted to hear another poem and I said "Sure!"

This time her poem went: "Sometimes; I think. And start; to sink. Then I remember; it's Octember" She combined her two favourite months. We both said we liked autumn.

She said days are gonna start getting shorter soon and that makes her sad. I said I liked it. She said she liked autumn but hated the dark. I said again that I liked it and she said I sure did.

She saw a raccoon up in Towny Centry, a big'un. I think I know the one she's talking about! The one I said reminded me of the "gimme da gorbage" raccoon :)

Grumpy porch guy said his cat didn't like folks on the porch.

I climbed up onto the roof with the washing line, which had laundry out on it! I mused how I'd leave my laundry out on a day like this for a cheap wash!

No sign of Mr Chazokov today. Too wet and cloudy for astronomy. Come to think of it, why is Selmers hanging out in the rain?

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