Wednesday 24 October 2018

54 night in the woods - electrifying fun with gregg

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I went back to his apartment after our latest crime. The music was the same but it was super groovy now with an awesome bass line! Must be a nighttime version or apartment version or something!

Gregg tried to justify his helmet more, saying even if it was a fascist helmet, it has an anarchy symbol on it now, which makes it good. Plus, there's a bullet hole in it, so the fascist who was wearing it was dead. I teased him about this a bit :)

I observed the robot body on his couch. I was amazed he got it here by himself and after we got the bunny. Then we got back to the "Too bad this didn't happen to you" insults over and back :) the elevator one I didn't like so much as it was a phobia.

We lost track of time a bit but we here still doing stuff with the battery. We used jumper cables on the battery and made the jaw parts of the grips talk. It was pretty funny! He told me to stop being so negative and I hold him to eat his own neck. Haha :)

He asked me what it was like to die and I said "I saw a shark I think". He asked me what it said and I said I didn't remember. We placed the jaws on the battery.

I was worried about safety and he asked if I was gonna be boring now because I died for 5 seconds. I narrowed my eyes at him and he said many people have been dead forever and they didn't complain about it, so I should either shut up or become a ghost! He said something like Carpe Diem and I replied "Carp-ay Diem".

The next thing was to put this beast together. I said "cool" but that wasn't good enough for him so I said "Coooooooooooooooool!" along with a howl! He howled back while doing his arm flapping thing :)

The scene then shifted to a big robot assembly mini-game. The music got all fun and science-y. I attached the head and legs and pressed the robot icon that appeared.

We were pretty happy with it! He said it was beautiful and I said it was our beautiful boy and he said it was our robot son!

The music then stopped and I asked for a reminder why we were doing all this crazy stuff in his living room. He said he reckons he missed the Gregg of a few years ago when I came back. He wanted to do crimes again and do something nice, like put this thing together for Angus. I made a noise! I told him that was beautiful, dude!

It was now time to activate the thing and I was all excited about pushing the button to do this! The groovy music with the sick bass line played again and Gregg said it was the least he could do for his best friend back from the dead! Yay :) I told him it was pizza party time for the next time I died and came back! He agreed wholeheartedly, saying it was "such a deal".

The scene shifted to another side of the battery that was covered with leaves. I cleared them away and pushed the button. No response. I pushed it a few more times and got electrocuted again! Yaaaargh!

Wow the next scene was an absolute circus. The machine thing was moving, Gregg was flapping his arms with his fascist/anarchist hat and I was getting absolutely fried on the floor, like I got hit by Blanka from Street Fighter! This went on and on! Then Angus came home to this crazy scene! I don't know how I was able to greet him in this state!

He asked me how it was going and I said good as I didn't die this time! I asked him how he was, while still being electrocuted, and he said he was good, good. I told him I was just gonna lie here for a while if that was okay and he said sure.

I survived! The scene shifted to me arriving home. I made another doodle in my journal. It was of me being electrocuted with lightning bolts all around and I wrote "I FREAKING DIED TONIGHT". Then I drew another little Gregg head with "GREGG RULZ OK".

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