Sunday 7 October 2018

37 night in the woods - the rooftops of snack falcon and video outpost "too"

Dear Readers,

I was gonna see Gregg, but I first wanted to do more exploring now that I could climb up on the powerlines in this area!

The Smelters fans were still going at it, happy their team kicked some "blue bear" butt last night.

So yeah, now I was able to jump up onto the roof of the Snack Falcon! And the powerlines around here! So much exploring to do!

First I went over to the Click Clack Diner and wondered about the arm again, playfully imagining someone running along and their arm just falling off, saying they'll pick it up later.

My mind continued racing. I wondered what kind of assault it was to have your arm chopped off, if it was called "armchoppy" and if it was a specific arrestable offence.

I started thinking the person who lost that arm was probably dead now... or not. Something like this would get your mind racing if it happened in your home town :/

I didn't want to hike out to the abandoned Food Donkey, so I walked back, passing Pastabilities. The "CLOSED" sign caught my eye. I cried out in despair, listing out all the things that wasn't pastable anymore. I said this was the worst thing to happen to this town since the flood took out "The petting zoo". I was really depressed about this. The sign on the door said "THANK YOU FOR 20 WONDERFUL YEARS POSSUM SPRINGS LOVE SAL AND JAN" At least, I think it's "20". The text is a little bit small from my angle.

There was a guy standing in front of Video Outpost "Too" with some kind of emo hair and a shirt that was the exact same as mine but with inverted colours. His mind was blown by this and he was like "Hey!" and asked if it was from a band or something. I said I made it in home ec class back in highschool and just liked the symbol. He asked if it was the null symbol and I said I didn't know. I asked about his symbol and he said it was the "secret symbol of god's wrestling league", some kind of backyard wrestling fight club thing. I was enthralled and said I was gonna look this up.

I went in to see Angus. I was only the third person he'd seen today. I was still bewildered as to how this place stayed open. I asked him about band practice later and he talked about warming up his voice. I complimented his growl. He said he never cried as a baby, just growled. Some babies are like that. I said I cried nonstop until I was 9, then continued crying nonstop at 13. He said I had a good three years and I said they were productive ones :)

I went out and climbed up to the powerlines. I walked all the way left to a streetlight and the camera zoomed out to show that I could jump to the Clik Clak Diner's roof! It took a few tries but I was able to land on the light before climbing up onto the roof. I went over to the wheel and made it spin by jumping. After a while the box underneath it opened and made some tiny helicopter thing fly straight upwards. What was that all about? Maybe some kind of Easter Egg.

I got back up on the powerlines and walked right to the ledge above Miller's. There was a sign on the side of the building I didn't see before that said "A OK DRUGS AND MALT". I couldn't see the rest of the sign for now.

I continued right and came across another statue of Applebaum, thinking he loved his statues. I mocked him, saying we didn't need statues to make ourselves feel better nowadays. Then I thought if I had a statue I'd have them make me real tall.

I continued right to the Video Outpost "Too" roof, which had a cool sign above it illustrated with a sweet rocket ship. The windows read out "VIDEO" and had "OUTPOST" underneath among stars. This must be the older version! Then there's that soulless grammatically incorrect sequel name underneath. You know, this is extremely accurate! Signs like these are completely soulless nowadays in real life.

Also, I wonder if Angus could hear me jumping around on the roof of his workplace...

I was able to climb up the slant of the rocket ship sign and onto a higher ledge of the previous building. I walked right up to someone at their window reading a newspaper and said "Hey." and they were all like "What are you doing outside my window." and I was like "I dunno." They told me to go away and I asked what they were readin'. We went on to talk about the weather. The last thing they said was a little passive aggressive quip on how the big storm mustn't have happened because I wasn't around for it. Oh well :) still a lovely little silly conversation.

I could see a screen in the next building that was all fuzzy. I wonder if that's Gregg and Angus' apartment?

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