Monday 15 October 2018

45 night in the woods - watching garbo & malloy with dad

Dear Readers,

When I got home I told my dad I didn't drink at the party and he said it works better if I let him accuse me first. Oops! We chatted about what I did tonight and I said I helped Gregg move stuff.

He also said his hangover cure was not drinking the night before. I don't drink in real life and I can say this is good advice :)

I didn't say what I helped Gregg move but it still works since Gregg told me about his and Angus' plans for moving. Don't want them to move :(

I asked dad if he would mind moving the boxes in the crawlspace and he asked what I did for him lately. I answered "Been an excellent daughter." and he said that didn't count. He did invite me to watch TV with him though :) I said "Yeah for a little bit." That's a nice thing :)

He was watching Garbo and Malloy, the same show that was on in the bus station on my first night home. I sat next to him and we watched. I really like this show! All about jokes over and back between the two guys and I love their Banjo-Kazooie like chatter!

The first one was about the feeling that disaster was about to come and the other said they get that feeling right before the show starts.

Malloy asked Garbo was he superstitious and he said he wasn't as he broke every mirror in his house so he wouldn't have to look at his mug. Malloy then asked "What about the rest of us?" and Garbo then delivered the catchphrase "That's a whoppah!". Malloy then announced the next episode was about them joining a cult. The TV then went to static. Dad was still sitting for some reason. I went upstairs.

I went to my room and went online, chatting with my buddies into the night. I asked Bea what she ended up doing tonight and she said she watched a third of a season of Bleak Dominion. I told her I liked that show and I watched all of it. She said not to spoil anything. I asked her what episode she was on and she said season 1, episode 4. I didn't say anymore about it so we said goodnight for now. I told Gregg my muscles were going to hate him 4ever; 5, 6ever even. He said his own muscles hated him enough for both of us. We then got into an over and back on how we hated gravity. I even used dad's "what have you done for me lately" line but about gravity. Gregg joked how he was already dead and that it was the robot head chatting with me. We wrapped it up as we were both sore and tired. As for Angus he's not normally chatty online it seems.

I gave Sharkle a click to help with the muscle pain and wrapped it up for the night.

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