Monday 10 December 2018

100 night in the woods - aunt molly did not have a good halloween

Dear Readers,

Any sign of Aunt Molly's presence was dead serious. I couldn't even jump on her car. I climbed to the top of the steps by the Food Donkey where she was parked and she was up there. She immediately started asking questions.

She asked what I was doing here last night. I said "I saw someone kidnap someone. Like, a kid.". She asked me what I saw. I said someone in a big old coat had someone over their back. She said I chased them up here and I said yea, that I got to the fence and they were up in the woods. She said alright and thanked me, ending the enquiry right there.

I was disgusted. I told her I knew she was just gonna brush this off. She said there had been no missing person reports, which tends to happen when a kid goes missing from something like Harfest. Instead she got 6 calls about kids being out too late and that there would be a report. I frantically said I was reporting this right here and now! She then said there was no break in the fence. I said so? and she said that unless someone could jump this thing, while carrying a teenager, who hadn't been reported as missing... and this quietened me. She then asked me for any theories. I didn't know myself but with desperation I said "They could've gone around the fence!". She doubted it, saying the fence went out all along the parking lots and almost to the tracks and that someone appearing on the other side so soon would have to be some kind of miracle. I groaned in frustration.

She then said she was out half the night dealing with teenage bull and people scared of clotheslines and noises. I groaned louder and asked if she was trying to kick off a horror movie where no one believes the girl who saw the ghost. I told her that in these movies, the cop always dies. She then asked me if we really were talking about a "ghost" now. It wasn't looking good. With exasperation I said it must've gone through the fence and she was like, "Really, Mae?". It made no sense to me either... I was so exasperated, all I could say in the end was that I didn't know and was really tired. She said that's what she thought and started walking away from the fence and past me... :(

I said after her if she would at least check the woods. She said that she and Dan McConnell were up there this morning because of what I said last night, from the fence up to the old mine. They found a couple of teenagers on a gross mattress, some worried-looking deer, and one deer hunter who was out too early. That sounded hard-hittingly conclusive, but I said that couldn't be it! She said that was it and continued walking away.

"The cop always dies!" I yelled again after her. She and her car were already gone by the time I got back down the steps myself.

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