Friday 21 December 2018

111 night in the woods - dreaming of scary silhouettes and freaky fish

Dear Readers,

Another weird dream. I'm standing by the four posts as usual. As I type this I see a giant fish swimming past and the silhouette of what looks like an upside down dead guy, floating upwards briefly before disappearing again. Let's get through this...

I saw more shadowy figures. I dropped down a good bit and found the tuba player. Here were some buildings with lit windows, some leaning over. I climbed up a bit and found the accordion player.

The tune that played was tinkly and Halloweeny. I headed left across the rooftops and found the violin player. The music got a bit more dramatic.

I saw more fish and more figures. One of them was smoking a pipe. I didn't recognise any of the figures. I climbed up more, along powerlines that lead upwards. I did a triple jump and found the saxophone player.

I dropped down again to the four posts and the usual freaky thing happened with a blinding light that made the controller rumble. This time the giant creature was a bird that had skewered a fish and then spread its wings. I was too distracted to see if I fell to my knees.

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