Sunday 9 December 2018

99 night in the woods - germ's weird bad time

Dear Readers,

Even on this wet, dreary day, Germ was out by the Food Donkey. I was surprised to see that Aunt Molly's police car was next to him.

He said I smelled funny. I asked him why my aunt's car was here. He asked if she was really my aunt and I hesitated but said yeah. He thought it was weird and it made me like, "half cop" before saying I'll never catch him, "half coppaaaaah!!!!" before having a good laugh for himself. I wasn't too impressed.

He said he didn't know what they were doing up there. Hmm... I asked him if he went to Harfest and he said he didn't and he was over it. I told him I had kind of a weird time... a weird bad time. He said it was guaranteed to be a weird bad time. I asked him if those people he was with yesterday were still here and he said he didn't know, that they weren't really close friends of his. I said I was wondering if they ever met Casey out there somewhere. He said he could ask, that he used to ask. I said I hated thinking about Casey being out there all by himself. He said aw... that Casey was tough and he'll be fine, that when you gotta get out, you gotta get out. He said he'll see me at band practice. I asked him if he actually liked watching us play. He said yeah! That we(or I?) weren't good but yeah he did. He said it wasn't his style. I asked him what his style was and he listed some stuff; black metal, thrash crossover, hip hop... I told him I liked Witchdagger, that they were kind of metal and he said totally! All about the doom stuff etc...

...and then he got quiet...

...then he said one time a guy followed him home, like a guy from the tracks. I asked him "What did you do?". The other option was "What? Ok whatever, I gotta get going." I am NEVER going to choose this! What the heck! So, he said it was on some night back in the summer and out the corner of his eye he could see this dude creeping up the hill. He didn't want to look right at him. My next was a choice between "AAAGH..." and "AAAAAAAAAAGH...". I took the latter choice. He said he took a detour through the woods and sat in a tree. It was getting dark but the guy was just standing there, waiting for him to come down. To this uncanniness I said "Holy S%!t" and asked what did he do. He said after it got dark, he climbed down and got up the hill real quick, that it was a real weird bad time. I yelped some more and said I was so upset right now. Then he laughed and was like "ikr" before saying "seeya!" and walking off into the steps once again.

AAAAAGH indeed! This was so uncanny and Germ's "vanishing into the steps" routine wasn't helping!

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