Tuesday 18 December 2018

108 night in the woods - our ghost action plan!

Dear Readers,

The scene shifted to Gregg and Angus' apartment. I stood before Angus, Gregg and Bea, who were all sitting on the couch. I thanked them for coming to this super important meeting. Angus said they lived here. Indeed they did! Anyway...

Gregg asked if we found out anything about our ghost and I nodded enthusiastically. I asked Bea to tell them what we found. She said we found some newspaper clippings that talked about a ghost. I nodded again, saying it wasn't just any ghost; it was Little Joe!

There was a pause. Angus said he didn't really remember Little Joe. I said he was a ghost miner that died in mysterious circumstances. Gregg was impressed and I was like ikr! Bea said she thought I was like afraid of this ghost, filled with dread and stuff? And I nodded more, saying I was terrified!

I said there were three places to check out. Bea said she had work and Angus said he and Gregg have the same. I said they skipped out on work all the time. Bea then said maybe we could split up and share custody of me and my ghost. Gregg asked what places were we thinking about and I said there was the graveyard, for which Bea volunteered, saying it was close and not illegal. Gregg perked up and asked if there was an illegal one, which made Angus do an ellipsis. I said there sure was, in the historical society. Bea said we didn't have to break in, that we could get a tour or something. I didn't really answer her and Gregg volunteered for it. Angus asked what he got stuck with and I said it was Possum Jump. He did his adorable ear perking thing and said he knew about it, that he used to go there in scouts. The plan was perfect! I said this was so awesome and that I was also scared to death!

The scene shifted to home. I doodled more in the page where I doodled Selmers. I scribbled out "POET" and wrote in "GOOD POET!". I also added "THOUGHT: IF I DIE SELMERS SHOULD WRITE A POEM ABOUT IT"

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