Thursday 6 December 2018

96 night in the woods - trying not to freak out the teens, my babies have grown up

Dear Readers,

After that incredible story Miss Rosa told me, I continued down the tunnel and met the teens.

Or at least... some of them. I don't remember. I told them it may sound weird but... I asked if any one of them was missing?

They hadn't a clue what I was talking about.

I asked if any one of them was out last night and maybe wasn't around anymore? They got kinda worried and asked what was going on. I wasn't sure myself after all. They said if there actually was something going on, I should tell them. I could only say to just be careful and to keep an eye out and to tell me if they saw anything weird.

I tried to not freak them out, saying they were probably the safest people around since they constantly hung out with each other. They hadn't much to say to this.

I then decided to check on my rat babies. I walked past the plastic flowers in the corridor and said they were super depressing and that even dead flowers were less depressing.

When I went to check on my rat babies, I found that they had left the nest! Their silhouettes were all over the place in the corridor. I guess they've all grown up and moved on now! That's why I didn't have the option to grab another pretzel! I guess now I can just worry about the teens and my friends.

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