Friday 7 December 2018

97 night in the woods - pastor kate and bruce prepare for the meeting

Dear Readers,

I really wanted to talk to Bruce today, but first I went into church to chat with mom and Pastor Kate.

I greeted mom as "churchmom" and she greeted me as "heathen daughter"! Haha :) I told her I'll make it in here someday but that no one likes getting up early on a Sunday! She said she finds it enriching and dad does too... mostly. He attends though and knows it means a lot to her. I sarcastically said I was thoroughly tripped with guilt. She did work for the church after all. She then said there's more grace than condemnation. I was like okay and whatever... but for reals this is something I can appreciate :)

Pastor Kate wasn't in the sanctuary. No one was. She was actually outside talking with Bruce at his campsite. I went out in the rain to them and listened in...

Bruce said he didn't feel right about something. Pastor Kate said sometimes the right thing to do didn't always feel right and he said he didn't feel right about taking something no one wanted to give to him. She said she felt that god would see it differently. He then said it was because she was a good person. Their conversation speech bubbles then turned to a spiral from her and a hot dog from him.

I then said hello to them and they said hello back. Now was my chance... I told them I had this really bad dream last night. Pastor K said she did too, that she was a pizza and was afraid someone would slice her. I said this just made me sad that we don't have a pizza place anymore... she said we have to order one from out by the highway now and that it was tragic.

Bruce said he had a dream he was a goose flying south and he had to keep up with the other geese or he'd get lost. I told him that was sad and he said it t'weren't a good dream.

I asked them what they were talking about and they said it was about a big meeting coming up with the town council and it was about Bruce. Pastor K said this was a time where prayers were needed and where god shows up. Bruce said he hoped so. I said so too.

Bruce still has his problems. I hope he'll get a place to stay or something. I wouldn't want him out here where it was cold and rainy. Also especially not now with that thing I saw last night, lurking around who knows where. Plus there was that weird thing the other night that spooked him and Selmers saw it too.

Also, I didn't get a chance to talk to them about what I saw, or even my dream :( really hope now that Bruce can get some shelter where he can be safe...

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