Tuesday 4 December 2018

94 night in the woods - at least lori m had a good halloween

Dear Readers,

I climbed up the rooftops and was glad to see Lori M, even though I wouldn't wish this rainy day on anyone.

I visited rooftop cat first. I mused how I used to see people up here sometimes. I got all sentimental about this. I wondered if I was all old and out of touch now. Then I said it was still awesome up here, that I was gonna set up camp up here!

Then I thought about it for a moment. What if I rolled off and died? I didn't sound so excited then. Gosh... I can hear myself becoming more mature and adult and all commonsensical... it'll help stop me from getting killed but... it also feels kinda sad. The powerline walking will probably stop at some stage too :(

Not before I have a chat with Lori M though! She asked me if I went to Harfest and I said I did and ended up in a play to help Bea out. She said she ate pizza and watched "Bloodgorgon". I said "Bloodgorgon?" and she said it was an Italian movie from around 1980. It had lots of blood but was also all theatrical and stuff. She talked about it more, saying it was set in a girl's boarding school with a bunch of ghosts kidnapping them and taking them to... and I jumped in with "Bloodgorgon?" and she said yep.

I paused... Lori M asked if I was okay and I decided to tell her about what I saw last night. It could've been a ghost but I just wasn't sure. I was dying to tell her something about this. She said it sounded kind of awesome and I said it was very much the opposite of awesome. She said sorry and I said it was okay, but I had to go now. She wished me luck on my ghost problem and I said thanks.

Yeah... I'm dying to share this with everyone I know in a cosy way. I want to tell Bruce, Pastor Kate, Gregg, Angus, Bea, Germ, the one with the newspaper, Miss Rosa... everyone. In real life I would be so anxious to share stuff like this with people.

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