Friday 14 December 2018

104 night in the woods - destroy all jobs!

Dear Readers,

Bea and I got to the elevator and went to the second floor of the library. I wanted to explore a bit!

We passed by the computers and noticed someone had left something open on it. It was a C.V. belonging to Bob Targg, born in 1967, 50 years old. Ok so yeah I'm 100% assured this game takes place in its initial release year of 2017. It came out on Switch this year though so it's still current year for me playing it :)

Bea read out their work experience, which was mining, construction and well drilling. I told her I never think about getting a job when I'm old. She said 50s weren't really old and I said that you should have money then, right? Bea only agreed ideally and I then said it should be like... guaranteed and guaranteed in general.

I just wanna say I wholeheartedly agree with this. People need money, not jobs. Jobs are needed like a hole in the head. Destroy all jobs I say!

Bea asked if I was gonna join her Young Socialists Chattrbox group. I didn't have an answer for her. Correct me if I'm wrong dear reader, but aren't socialists obsessed with having a job? As in they want a guaranteed job, even when they can't have a guaranteed income? It's all about the worker, right? The one who works? Well, what if you don't want to work? What if you find the notion of romanticising something like coal mining on the mural downstairs disgusting? Destroy all jobs!

Bea and I walked further to the children's section, where there was a picture of Charity Bearity. I knew it well but Bea didn't at all. I was shocked she didn't know. She assumed it was something from school and I said it was from back when we were 5 freaking years old! She then assumed it was something I liked but I said I hated Charity Bearity. She remarked it looked really hateable. I said it was like "You were kidnapped by a cult" and instead of having a crazy cult leader brainwashing you, it was this effing pink nightmare. She asked if I was scared of it and I said no, that I was bored to death. It was all about doing things for others. She said it sounded nice and I disagreed, saying the worst part was that it had to rhyme as well. "Charity Bearity: I just don't carity" I said, which made me laugh :)

We checked the books out a bit more. They had made a lot of them and I think they were still making them. The one about danger being everywhere-ity could've been continually updated.

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