Sunday 30 December 2018

120 night in the woods - rooftop exploration expands!

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town and into Video Outpost "Too" to see Angus.

He offered to take me up to the state park if I was ready and I said naw. I definitely will though! Just wanna see what's going on around here today first!

I checked in with the Smelters fans. One of them said the other never told him why he was feeling down the other day. The other one talked back, asking if he has to tell him everything. The first one then said he was just asking is all. The other one then said to ask someone else. Then they were both silent... Wow. I always wondered if this was a thing that happened with sports fans, that maybe there was some real life stuff they were trying to escape and/or bury deep down and being too proud to share with anyone, even their closest friends. Sounds like the case alright.

I climbed up to my newspaper friend for the bit of news! They said there was a yam shortage this Thanksgiving. I said there was gonna be like yam riots :) and they said there were worse reasons.

Just like I thought when Gregg told me about their apartment building roof door being repaired, I was now able to access their roof and climb higher in this area! Woo! :)

I jumped on the big sign to the left and wondered what the heck a malt was. I found another one of those weather windmill things and made the little helicopter fly out of it, just like the others. Then I walked across the powerlines to the top roof on the left and went through the door.

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