Saturday 15 December 2018

105 night in the woods - ghost research begins

Dear Readers,

Bea and I went up to the third floor in the library. It was dusty up here.

It was old. Everything here was old. She said maybe my ghost was up here and I said it was possible. He did go through a chain link fence, or maybe over it, all while carrying something. She said that was impressive. I said we were gonna find this guy and find out how he's connected to this thing I had been going through. I then said it sounded a lot cooler in my head and she said it was alright.

It was dark up here. There was only a faint light and the brightest thing was this lone computer monitor thing. The music faded and there was a bit of banter here between Bea and me! I said I had no idea how to use this thing and she asked if I had brought any bit of expertise to this investigation so far. I said it was my idea and she disagreed, saying my idea was to go ghost hunting, whereas her idea was to do a bit of research on what I was looking for. I asked her if she thought it was so stupid, why was she here? She answered that she was my friend and called me an @$$hole! I was like "aaaaaw." :) and got all baby voiced, calling her my fwend Beatwice :3 Then she set the machine up.

The scene shifted to a screen that displayed newspaper article clippings. The music changed to a tune to suit the mood. Parts of it had the hum of a machine and the melody was a happy little busy thing, like we were exploring a sky temple in a 3D Mario game or something. It was nice! I insisted on steering the thing around, pushing Bea off with too much enthusiasm! I asked her how it worked and she gave the first two steps, look at screen and steer the thing around to look at stuff. I added the third step, which was to find ghost and she said sure.

I looked at the following articles and we talked about them:

"NEW "OL" STORE IN TOWNE CENTRE!" was an interesting article about the origins of Bea's workplace, but no ghost was to be found so we moved on.

"PIE PIRACY!" was a humorous one about pies being stolen that weren't rhubarb, but no ghost.

"The Stanley T. Possum statue..." had no ghost. By the sounds of this, that statue must've been huge!

"PROGRESS SPRINGS IN POSSUM SPRINGS" had no ghost but was an interesting one about modernising the town away from mining and setting up a school, recreation centre and tearing down miner doublehouses to make way for spacious single homes. Pretty interesting. I Googled these houses and couldn't really find examples of them.

"There has been another sighting of the albino groundhog..." had no ghost but had albino animal spotting, which was nice :)

That was the top row of articles mostly. I'll talk about more later.

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