Monday 31 December 2018

121 night in the woods - meeting sadie the saxophonist

The music changed to a saxophone thing with a drum beat. I doodled seven birds in my journal and wrote "HELLA BIRDS". What was this place?

I went down the steps to find loads of birds and a guy playing saxophone. The saxophone music stopped when I talked to him, leaving the nice drum beat and bass to play. I introduced myself and then he introduced himself as... Sadie.

Which means I got the wrong gender AGAIN! Argh! Constantly happening to me in this game!

Anyway, I asked what she was doing up here. She asked what was I doing up here. I said "Exploring" and she said that was the same way she found it. She said the stage she was sitting on was the only stage in town. I asked her "Are you on stage a lot?" and she said nope, not for a long time at least. I said it looked like no one's played here in a long time and she said yeah, that it had been a few decades. I asked her if she was gonna put on something here and she said she didn't think anyone's gonna be putting anything on here, at least not anytime soon. There was no electricity, it was probably structurally unsound, invested with rats and pigeons... I then said other than the electricity, that was like most of the town. She laughed, saying that it was.

I told her I just met this guy over by the church steps who was also hanging by himself on the rooftop and playing music. She just said it was a small world. We just had a laugh about it and said bye. She went back to her saxophone playing.

I explored a little further and saw a picture of a pentagram on the wall. Then I left. I dropped all the way to the ground and saw that this building was completely boarded up. Did Sadie come in here by walking along the powerlines too? What's with these musicians I'm suddenly seeing in the waking world on the rooftops?

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