Thursday 20 December 2018

110 night in the woods - online ghost hunter chat

Dear Readers,

Before going to bed, of course I had to go online and chat with my buddies one last time before hitting the hay! We ghost hunters now!

Bea said to let her know when I want to hit the cemetery, that she should be around most nights this week. I thanked her. She said not to thank her too much, that she was going there anyway and it was just down the road. I told her she was ruining this and she then said I was welcome for this huge favour and that I better not forget it. I told her that was more like it :) She said she had fun tonight and apologised for being grouchy. She was just tired and... her typing became garbled. I asked her if she just fell asleep and I was like lol when there was no response. Haha :) Gregg said he looked up the historical society online. It was really old but they did big renovations. He wasn't saying there was or wasn't a ghost but seeing old stuff that just got torn up seemed like ghost central. I asked how so and he said if you were a ghost hanging out in a house and someone puts in a pool where you died or something... I said haunted pools sounded p scary. He then said he was spooked and he was going to bed. Angus said to let him know when I wanted to go to the park. He looked up a map and saw it was a straight shot up to Possum Jump. I told him that was great, and that we never really get a chance to hang out. He said he thinks it'll be fun! I bade him goodnight and he gave a hat tipping gesture.

I can't wait to hang out with Angus! From the get go I wanted to hang out with him :)

I gave Sharkle a goodnight click before tucking myself in to bed. I thought I could rest well now that I had a plan for the whole ghost thing with the support of my friends, but my pattern of messed up dreams continued...

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