Saturday 1 December 2018

91 night in the woods - at least selmers had a good halloween

Dear Readers,

I went outside to a very rainy Possum Springs again. It's the post Harfest slump.

I climbed up on the pole and could see Mr Penderson's house. I called him a ghoul. He's hated me forever, or at least since I put an M80 down his roof gutter. I don't know how dangerous that is but if it's enough for him to hate me then it must be powerful enough. He's kept a grudge against me for a long time.

I went to see Selmers. She asked me how Halloween went and I said it was weird. I went to Harfest and then saw some really messed up stuff that I thought was real and then had a really bad nightmare. I didn't get specific. She said "cool" and said she stayed in and ate candy and watched Halloween episodes on TV. I told her I was *living* a Halloween episode. She offered to recite another poem and I said "Sure!".

She recited: "Autumn winds. Autumn sins. Autumn times. Autumn crimes."

I asked her "What counts as an "Autumn sin"?" and she said it was cheatin' on your wife with some gas station skank in November. Wow... I didn't know she was actually married to that guy... I noted that yeah, that was inconsiderate.

She called up at Mr. Chazokov on the roof and told him he was gonna break his neck someday. He said he would make sure to land on her and she laughed, saying she was a big enough target! He said he was bigger than her so that they should be covered. I was like "you two". Haha :)

"Leaves Leaves Leaves" Selmers then said. I asked her if that was a poem and she said it wasn't. There are a lot of leaves around alright. The jack o lanterns are gone but the leaves are still around.

Grumpy porch guy said his missus varnished the porch herself and told me not to go tracking mud all over it.

I climbed up high and saw the jack o lantern still on the roof. I guess since nobody could see it they forgot it.

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