Monday 3 December 2018

93 night in the woods - escaping war and telezoft

Dear Readers,

The Harfest poster was now gone from the noticeboard. Everything else was still there though. I went exploring this part of town and did my usual rounds.

I say "rounds" but that's what Aunt Molly does, being a cop and all! Maybe I'm gonna be a cop someday and do these rounds full time? I can't imagine it though! Me being Mae, I'm very much anti-authoritarian!

I saw the workers outside Telezoft talking amongst themselves and the unhappy one was there! They said it was their last day! Woo! :D Their co-workers said they'll miss them and that it happened so fast. Then they said they'll come visit. They talked about going to see a movie or having an outing sometime and yeah... that'll be nice :) They said once they're settled in the new job they could do that. Also, they'll meet anyway when they're shopping for groceries. Have a brief chat no doubt :) It wasn't a massive goodbye and they weren't moving far at all. This is such a common conversation when someone leaves a job alright :) I'm delighted for them now that they can have a new beginning. That escape had to happen. Hope they'll be happy...

I looked up at the soldier statue and told it that war was some bull. With disgust I noted they were probably drafted and died before they got a chance to enjoy the statue they made of them. Ugh indeed.

I said to myself they couldn't make me go to war. I said to myself I'll go underground and join some group that's against war and stuff, that we'll blow up war stuff and sabotage other war stuff. I said to myself I'll live in the shadows for decades, with no address and always being on the run, living in a trailer in the desert. Man I share that same spirit in real life that Mae has :) I hope I never have to get involved in something as awful as war. Also, that drifting idea is romantic and exciting af, but man... I don't want things to really turn out that way either.

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