Saturday 8 December 2018

98 night in the woods - funny news and danny's new job

Dear Readers,

I went to Gregg and Angus' part of town. The inside of Video Outpost "Too" looks so nice and colourful and warm compared to the dreary day outside! Perhaps another reason why it's still in business :)

Angus asked if I was up for band practice in a bit. I was willing but I also said I had a weird night. He asked how so and I said I'll tell him about it later.

I passed by the old Pastabilities place *sigh* and it looked like someone was moving in. It was probably something dumb I thought to myself. I was missing this pizza place bad...

The Smelters fans were observing the wet and cold again. They asked themselves why they were still standing out here. The other one said "Someone has to." lol ok ok is this a creature of habit thing or is it a gamedev placeholder thing? It feels like it could be either :P but yeah, they're real creatures of habit... No mention of Smelters at all this time.

I went up to my newspaper guy for the bit of news. He joked a headline about a dumb girl slipping off a ledge and dying on the street below. That was pretty funny :) I retorted with one of my own, about a cranky man haunted by a screaming poltergeist. We were over and back with jokey mocking headlines until he said there were signs the girl was pushed. I conceded then. He had no actual news for me.

I got down to the ground and met Danny at the end of the Clik Clak! Just standing there, scratching his head. He didn't remember my name when I said hi... :/ I asked him if he was working here now and he said yeah and that it sucked. I asked him how they were able to fit a kitchen inside there and he said barely.

I asked him what he did and he said he was a grillman and janitor. He cooked and mopped. I asked if it was at the same time and he said yes. Yeesh...

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